Veteran Expediter
I just poop out the hole I made in the floor......then when I drive away I try to kick it up on the EO cops......LOL!
I'm doin my dammedest not to whiz myself.
I just poop out the hole I made in the floor......then when I drive away I try to kick it up on the EO cops......LOL!
....Its a tuff job hauling peoples nastiness and dumping the trash but somebody has to do it, Put some Larger trash containers on the lots in positions that a driver can drive up to, toss his business and Ill bet the parking lot dumping would slow down
And I bet it wouldn't.
We all like to critize T/S's for nasty this and not big enough that's. They were all new at one time and drivers have filthed them up. I'm convinced that alot of drivers think T/S"s owe them something. Maybe they do, but it is up to all of us to help them. They have to make a profit or else they will be gone. Gripe and complain but they are the only solution we have at the present. Vanners can't get relief by going other places. The rest of us are pretty much stuck with the present. I know there are other places, but they won't hold all of us.
Agreed...truck drivers are a lazy bunch...really...they won't walk 20 feet to a trash can....and if they do if the 1st one is full they won't do another 20 feet to the next one...they'll drop it right there and the wind blows it all over the place....
as far as the mentality that TS OWE them is well documented even in here....with all the rattle about "rewards programs" they owe me for my business.....get real....
Speak for yourself, I am not lazy. I also don't believe that truck drivers are ANY worse than everyone else. There are slobs in every walk of life. Truck drivers are just concentrated so it shows up more.
You would not believe all the 'gifts' that women like to leave in their restrooms for the janitors. Even when there were 'special' places to leave those gifts they tend to prefer the floor and other 'fun' hiding places. We wont go into what I often found on walls. The men's rooms tended to be 'dirty' but not 'disgusting'.
Stay on topic Please.....LOL Truck Drivers
Truck drivers are just a 'subset' of the greater majority known as 'disgusting people'. I would be willing to bet that the women's rooms in truck stops follow suit with the women's rooms in every place that I have worked.
I don't think women are anymore disgusting then men really....I think we expect better of them for some reason, dunno, only to find out they are just like us guys...
Well Thanks alot guys..
Wake up to find out ya just ruined my Idea of the Ladys room.
Well Thanks alot guys..
Wake up to find out ya just ruined my Idea of the Ladys room.
you thought of it as like an executive room?....lol
.You mean its not glistening tile,,the smell of flowers,,clean counters,, actually has towels???
Back to bed I guess for more dreaming..
i had heard that in some of the women's rooms they hire a man to listen to what ever the women have to say and the guy has to be quiet.