Wow!!! Over 25 replies. Thanks everybody. As I said earlier I think my problem is probably due to boredom. A few nights ago the old eyeball lids started to droop. Keep in mind this post also ties in with the business plan. Don't get killed, don't get hurt, etc. When I started getting drownsy, I would read the instruments out loud. Not just glance, but read the oil pressure, volts, temp out loud. I then started the Gettysburg address out loud. Then I started singing. (horrible). Not knowing too many songs, I started singing our national anthem. Well, being of the old school, when I heard the national anthem, I started to stand. That is where I wrapped myself up in the seat belt, smashed my head into the roof of the van cab, damned near lost control of the van. THAT will sure wake a person up.
Thanks again. :+ :+