My Land!


Retired Expediter
Every night I am in the habit of "walking my land". We have about 12 acres of land here in Bison SD 57620 for you curious as to where it is. Since bnow being "legal" in the U.S.A. It feels so good to be so free. The cattle and deer grazing together just ignoring me. The finches and Robins fluttering around our bird baths and feeders. The outstanding sunsets and the fresh air. Wow!
We have taken off our Dynamex decals and am attending Express 1 orientation on Monday. We are apprehensive of this move as we were with DX for 5 yrs and they served us well. but we feel a more U.S. based company might serve our needs better. Business is business. Time will tell. As it is about 700 miles to Mi. I will leave tomorrow morning.
As expected we fully expect the learning curve to take a turn thru our wallets!


Veteran Expediter
Must be nice,

I have , Hondas with Mufflers bigger than the trunks or is that the Speakers in the Trunk, Barking Dogs with Deaf Owners, Teenagers with Rap Music, Airport with a 6 AM wake up call Future Pilots Training Class, I love living in a Subdivision.

Like Green Acres "This is the Life For Me"


Veteran Expediter
Opps I forgot one thing my bride mentioned to me.

Will ya come take your darn Canadian Geese with ya. Do not ever buy near a POND......!


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
It's great to be out of town isn't it? I grew up in the country, and then moved to an appartment when I got married. After nearly 20 years in one town or another, we finally had the chance to move back to my boyhood home.

I plan never to live in town again..LOL.

Last week I had 8 deer walk thru my back yard.. never had that in town!


Forums Administrator



Retired Expediter
Gregg....Owned and NO mortgage! Also 8 trailer lots that we rent out to the combiners that come thru and a few hunters...pays the taxes.
Have lots of truck parking if anyone wants to commute on thier bikes during Sturgis Bike week! About 2 hour ride.


Seasoned Expediter
Sounds like a nice place OVM. I'm getting a calm feeling just thinking about it.

There really is nothing like having a piece of dirt to call your own. I have 15 acres and 50 more around me owned by family (but they don't live there). The beginnings of a Christmas tree farm, a small airstrip where I fly RC airplanes, pastures and a catfish pond make it something I can't wait to get home to. I'm located an hour or so from Atlanta off I-20 towards Alabama and have plenty of truck parking too.


Retired Expediter
It would appear E-1 recruiter told me I didn't need a DOT exam, NOW I DO!!! Problem is I can't get passed here in South Bend . My BP is 160/79. I'll have to go home and get it done there. Ican get a pass in SD.
Question....isn't there a 1 year exception if under 180 and its deemed under control?????


Veteran Expediter
OVM, did you have your BP checked more than once? I had a high reading, BP was checked by a rookie nurse. After my physical the doctor rechecked it with a larger cuff. Blood pressure was fine. Also stay away from caffine.


Retired Expediter
apparantly only my doctor can sign that my bp is under control I'll be going home(long drive) and get approved there. Iam normally around 150 to 160 which I can get a one year exemption.


Veteran Expediter
OK, typical for them to say this.

I have the same problem with no regular doc. I am up for my yearly before next tuesday and will do the same thing this year, go to a clinic that does the physical and have them write something up about the ongoing treatment.

One issue I do have is the frustration of sitting in the waiting room and having my BP rise. I explain to whom ever is taking the reading that I want it done twice, because of white coat syndrom.

I also avoid all cafine, drink a lot of water an hour or two before I arrive and if I can have a relaxing night before.


Retired Expediter
relaxing? *LOL* Left Saturday, dodged tornados in central SD, Hurrcanic winds and torrential rains in Minnisota, engine light comes on in Wisconsin...going thru orientation, changing companies....yeah I am relaxed!!!!;)


Expert Expediter

Drinking water does not lower your blood pressure but does just the opposite. My younger sister has very low blood pressure and the doctor tells her to drink water to raise her pressure.

And when Jim went for his last physical, he told the doctor how he was drinking all this water to lower his pressure (his is up just a little), the doctor told him the same thing as my sister's doctor. Water raises the blood pressure!

So anyone drinking water to lower your pressure may want to think twice about doing this.


Veteran Expediter
Anytime you're told your blood pressure is high, or more than a little different than what your norm is, get a second opinion - you'd be surprised at how differently two people can 'hear' the same thing!
OVM, sounds like a lovely place, congratulations on achieving The American Dream, enjoy! :)


Retired Expediter
Ok...I am dashed!! Since becoming "legal" down here I 've kinda bragged to some regular customers mostly in Michigan,,,thier response...WHY the heck ya do that! Why move here? they say..
Gregg is you state in such bad shape they want out? Where's that American spirit?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have always found my Blood Pressure to be lower in the afternoon then the morning. I think at 160/90 you might only get a 3 month extension and might need medication to get a one year pass.