We all hear drivers talking about MPG (miles per gallon). Most of us understand just how much it can affect our bottom line. So many have resigned themselves to accept their truck’s MPG or just not worry about it. Just how much does your MPG cost you?
IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) taxes are included in every gallon of fuel you buy. IFTA taxes are figured into each gallon of fuel, but, your trucks MPG and miles travelled in each state will dictate how much of that tax you owe, whether you pay it later or when you buy fuel, is up to you. Either way, you will owe the taxes for the miles driven, based on your MPG, this is why MPG is important in regards to taxes.
IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) taxes are included in every gallon of fuel you buy. IFTA taxes are figured into each gallon of fuel, but, your trucks MPG and miles travelled in each state will dictate how much of that tax you owe, whether you pay it later or when you buy fuel, is up to you. Either way, you will owe the taxes for the miles driven, based on your MPG, this is why MPG is important in regards to taxes.