My relatives always seem to make it past 90 and many have made it past 100. Every one of them smoked. The 2 oldest people ever, a french woman 126 and a Porto Rican man 124, both smoked.
So all of you non-smoker fanatics, please back off because you have been unduly influenced by false propaganda. The truth is that when you take Tylenol, from the Time Warner winner of 2002 "the most trusted corporation in America", you should know that acetominephen (Tylenol) is the number one reason for chemical related visits to emergency rooms. It kills liver function which is why so many with arthrits end up in terrible pain unable to metabolize any pain reliever. In fact all pharmaceuticals are synthetic chemicals that I believe shorten lives significantly. I suspect that non-smokers also line up in greater numbers for the noxiously toxic flu shots every year too. There is great peril in believing the so called experts. The system wants you sick and paying, not healthy, wise and wealthy.
I will see you all in heaven. Please don't be impatient since you chemical taking non-smokers will be there a very long time before I show up.
So all of you non-smoker fanatics, please back off because you have been unduly influenced by false propaganda. The truth is that when you take Tylenol, from the Time Warner winner of 2002 "the most trusted corporation in America", you should know that acetominephen (Tylenol) is the number one reason for chemical related visits to emergency rooms. It kills liver function which is why so many with arthrits end up in terrible pain unable to metabolize any pain reliever. In fact all pharmaceuticals are synthetic chemicals that I believe shorten lives significantly. I suspect that non-smokers also line up in greater numbers for the noxiously toxic flu shots every year too. There is great peril in believing the so called experts. The system wants you sick and paying, not healthy, wise and wealthy.
I will see you all in heaven. Please don't be impatient since you chemical taking non-smokers will be there a very long time before I show up.