More Cutbacks at Ford.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I did'nt see anyone in this thread saying you can't have an opinion Msinger. I did'nt even see anyone insisting that you retreat to your cave. Debate happens! In this case, I can see a senerio happening where some over zealous Christian Conservatives will want to take some credit for Fords woes. My opinion is that the small number of people that feel strongly enough to let this issue have an effect on their car purchase won't even amount to a statistacal blip. I wonder if any of these types of boycotts has ever been truly effective? I can't think of one.


Veteran Expediter
Hey highway star,

most consider zealous Christian Conservatives as a problem but I find that the zealous Christian Liberals the real problem.


Veteran Expediter
>What a relief! I am entitled to my own
>long as I keep it to myself. That is profound!

No, MSinger, it isn't profound, nor is it even close to what I said. Your opinion is welcome here, as long as you remain civil, and can defend what you say in this public forum. So far, I don't see any evidence that you can, or will, abide by the rules of civil debate. Replying to a challenged statement with sarcasm is admitting that you have no defense to offer. If you follow Teacel's advice, to "think before you speak, or write", there is no shortage of people who would enjoy an exchange of opinions and arguments here. And that is one of the best things about this site, IMO.


Expert Expediter
That's all fine and well but the point is this. I read several posts on here that I don't agree with but if I am not already involved in that conversation than I just shrug my shoulders and go on. That is the true spirit of letting people being entitled to their own opinion, not proving them wrong. Just because I disagree with their opinion doesn't make me automatically right so I don't get on here and make people "prove" their opinions are correct when I wasn't involved in the conversation to start with.
I believe I gave ample evidence to support my claims by posting the letter from the Texas Ford dealers to the Ford Motor Co as well as posting the actual advertisements and content of the magazine.
I also stated that it was not the only thing that was bringing Ford down but just another example of poor managment.
Some naysayers will never give the conservative boycotts the recognition they deserve but when a liberal group boycotts something they make it sound like that group brought the company to it's knees single-handedly (example the Florida Orange Juice controversy involving Anita Bryant back in the 70's).
Then you've got people that treat the sodomites like endangered species....totally untouchable. I REALLY don't care what goes on in someone else's bedroom between consenting adults but we as a society have standards. If one chooses to buck those standards than don't expect to have the same priviledges as those of us who "play by the rules" i.e. marriage, which happens to be a religion based concept to begin with.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
You make a good point about the liberals taking credit for percieved success with a boycott. But, anyone spearheading something very public is going to do the same thing. I can just see Falwell and Robertson pounding their chests and claiming victory. Robertson will probably say God even congradulated him personally.


Veteran Expediter
Well I guess it seems ford has a problem with management more than anything else. Billy boy there is trying to open a conversation of a global alliance with the same people that GM's investors are pushing for.


Expert Expediter
Is Ford going to go private? Article in newspaper said Ford braintrust was tossing the idea around. Analyst in industry does't think it really would do much for Ford.:(


Veteran Expediter
Who knows, it will be interesing to see if it happens because of the possible law suits from long time investors and the cost if they start buying people out. The thing is if they do go private it is only to protect a select few investors (some of the creditors) and some of the suppliers - oh and be able to be a secert company again.

I say bring back Jac Nassar, at least he had a vision.

What I find odd is reaching outside of Ford for the second time to try to pull it together. I still say they need to get with the program and start with the dealers, use automation in the plants and build a less expensive vehicle.