Expert Expediter
The City has proposed this new law, so be mindfull.
WHEREAS, the use of wireless communications devices by motorists has increased in
recent years; and
WHEREAS, the use of wireless communications devices by motorists has increased in
recent years; and
, while wireless communications devices have assisted with quick reporting
of road emergencies, their use has also contributed to accidents and other mishaps, thereby
endangering the citizens of the City of Montgomery; and
endangering the citizens of the City of Montgomery; and
, when motorists hold a wireless communication device in their hand
or hands to place a call or receive a call, or to read, compose, and/or send an electronic message
and attempt to drive, their chances of becoming involved in a traffic accident increase, thereby
posing a threat of harm to themselves and others. Now, therefore,
and attempt to drive, their chances of becoming involved in a traffic accident increase, thereby
posing a threat of harm to themselves and others. Now, therefore,
by the City Council of the City of Montgomery,
Alabama, as follows:
For the purposes of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the
meaning ascribed thereto:
A. Wireless Communications Device. A full-duplex device which uses cellular or
satellite technology to transmit and receive electronic data in either digital or analog
format which is converted by the device to either voice, text, or graphic
communication. A Wireless Communications Device shall include attachments, addons,
or built in features which allow a car stereo receiver, or components thereof, to
be used as a two-way communications device. A Wireless Communications Device
shall not include half-duplex devices which are capable of using only one channel for
both sending and receiving data, including Civilian Band (CB) Radios and Walkie
B. Hand-held Wireless Communication Device. A Wireless Communication Device
which requires physical manipulation of the device to receive send or receive data. A
Hand-held Wireless Communications Device shall include a Wireless Hand-held
Communications Device which is manually manipulated by the driver in the same
manner as a Hand-held Device.
C. Hands-free Wireless Communications Device. A Wireless Communications Device
which is activated by the user without being physically manipulated by the user and
which does not have to be held to the driver’s ear.
D. Operating a Motor Vehicle. Driving, having control of, or otherwise operating a
motor vehicle within the travel lanes of a public right-of-way. Operating a motor
vehicle shall not include being parked on the margin of a public right of way where
the automobile’s engine is not running or where the transmission of the automobile
has been placed in the parked or neutral position.
meaning ascribed thereto:
A. Wireless Communications Device. A full-duplex device which uses cellular or
satellite technology to transmit and receive electronic data in either digital or analog
format which is converted by the device to either voice, text, or graphic
communication. A Wireless Communications Device shall include attachments, addons,
or built in features which allow a car stereo receiver, or components thereof, to
be used as a two-way communications device. A Wireless Communications Device
shall not include half-duplex devices which are capable of using only one channel for
both sending and receiving data, including Civilian Band (CB) Radios and Walkie
B. Hand-held Wireless Communication Device. A Wireless Communication Device
which requires physical manipulation of the device to receive send or receive data. A
Hand-held Wireless Communications Device shall include a Wireless Hand-held
Communications Device which is manually manipulated by the driver in the same
manner as a Hand-held Device.
C. Hands-free Wireless Communications Device. A Wireless Communications Device
which is activated by the user without being physically manipulated by the user and
which does not have to be held to the driver’s ear.
D. Operating a Motor Vehicle. Driving, having control of, or otherwise operating a
motor vehicle within the travel lanes of a public right-of-way. Operating a motor
vehicle shall not include being parked on the margin of a public right of way where
the automobile’s engine is not running or where the transmission of the automobile
has been placed in the parked or neutral position.
It shall be and is hereby declared unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of
the City of Montgomery to operate a motor vehicle upon a public right-of-way while using a
hand-held wireless communication device. Use of a hands-free wireless communications device,
as defined herein, shall not be a violation of this ordinance. Any person found to have been in
violation of this section shall be punished as follows:
A. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on any one occasion
shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00), or by
imprisonment in the city jail for not more than ten (10) days;
B. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on a second occasion
within a twelve-month period shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than ten
(10) days, or by any combination of said fine and imprisonment;
C. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on a third or subsequent
occasion within a twelve-month period shall be punished by a fine of not more than
five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than
three months, or by any combination of said fine and imprisonment.
the City of Montgomery to operate a motor vehicle upon a public right-of-way while using a
hand-held wireless communication device. Use of a hands-free wireless communications device,
as defined herein, shall not be a violation of this ordinance. Any person found to have been in
violation of this section shall be punished as follows:
A. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on any one occasion
shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00), or by
imprisonment in the city jail for not more than ten (10) days;
B. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on a second occasion
within a twelve-month period shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than ten
(10) days, or by any combination of said fine and imprisonment;
C. Any person found to have been in violation of this ordinance on a third or subsequent
occasion within a twelve-month period shall be punished by a fine of not more than
five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than
three months, or by any combination of said fine and imprisonment.
A person operating a motor vehicle shall not be found to have been in violation of this
ordinance where that person is:
A. using a hand-held wireless communications device as a global positioning or
navigation system where the device is affixed to the motor vehicle at the time of its
B. using hand-held wireless communications device to obtain emergency assistance to
report a traffic accident, medical emergency, traffic hazard, or a crime—whether the
crime has been committed, is in the process of being committed, or has recently been
committed—or where the person operating an automobile has a reasonable belief that
a person’s life or safety is in immediate danger; or
C. an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle and engaged in the line and scope of
his or her duties.
ordinance where that person is:
A. using a hand-held wireless communications device as a global positioning or
navigation system where the device is affixed to the motor vehicle at the time of its
B. using hand-held wireless communications device to obtain emergency assistance to
report a traffic accident, medical emergency, traffic hazard, or a crime—whether the
crime has been committed, is in the process of being committed, or has recently been
committed—or where the person operating an automobile has a reasonable belief that
a person’s life or safety is in immediate danger; or
C. an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle and engaged in the line and scope of
his or her duties.