I really hope you are not serious about this, because I almost p*ssed my pants over these comments.
Well Greg, our system may seem fair on paper but that is about as far as it goes.
Actaully it is fair on both paper and in practice - look around.
There is NO chance what so ever of an ordinary person, a firefighter, a steel worker etc to get elected.
Alvin Greene, look him up. He seems to be doing well despite a lot of issues.
There is NO free press to vet candidates. Obama would have NEVER been elected if there had been. The press will ONLY back the elite. Elite to the press is, for the most part, left wing, with a degree/degrees from an Ivy League school with extreme left wing leanings. ANY candidate that does NOT fit that mold has a HUGH hill to climb.
Really, again look around and see who got elected, I don't think the press is picking and choosing much.
What the h*ll does obama have to do with this, he is just the president, not a king.
I understand about NOT amending the Constitution as you say. There HAS to be a way to stop electing the idiots that we have been for such a long, long time.
Well maybe if we start educating the idiot voters with more than to know Washington is the guy on the dollar bill and lincoln freed the slaves, we may have a chance but when an uneducated russian knows more about our history herding sheep in the Urals than our kids in highschool who have been honor roll students, we will be stuck with this mess.
My mistake, currently there are 27 Congressional Representatives and 1 Senator without a college degree.
The degree thing is not important as it was, they dumb down the degree requirements to the point that you don't have to actually learn anything to get one.
Those that are in office with military service, have a much better understanding of how the military works.
Actaully it seems the biggest supporters are outside of the military and I am starting to feel that there really isn't a need to "understand" the military but to have passion in supporting it.
I would trust them to vote on war/no war issue before any of the others.
I sure wouldn't. It comes down to understanding strategy at a higher level, the cause and effect of diplomatic impact or internal impact. The solider in many cases are clueless to those concepts and until you get to be a certain rank, like a Col or above, then you are not afforded all of that knowledge. Beside this is not a country where the military makes decisions like that, they are to follow orders.
They are advocates of the vet. When it came to the forefront of the foreclosure issue, they have started the investigations.
Well where were they in making sure the laws were enforced in the first place? Having investigation about why the horse left the barn after it was hit by a train seems to be a bit too late but if someone would have shut the barn door, the horse would still be alive.
Maybe electing someone like me who doesn't give a crap about reelections may be a good solution?
Oh, good grief.
Carter was a peanut farmer.
Actually Layout and Golf both predicate their argument on the concept that a
Vet in office is good for other vets and the military but for some odd reason when "Fix up a house" Carter's name popped up, it reminded me that the worst president we ever had was Lieutenant Carter, US Navy. SO ... what'ch you think?