Mini Sprinters ?


Veteran Expediter
recently i noticed 4 expediters mini sprinters. those are the flat top low roof, and shot box.
the first 2 was leased to 3states ,
another one leased to Bolt and parked at a house in minster, OH (gee i hope we did not just ended a marriage here!),
then this week one lease to try hours.
*is there a market for those kind of Sprinters ?
me thinking, since this is across the board, then there might just be.
*are those just a fancy vans running on a van rates ?, if so it'll take some time to pay off such rig.
*however, if they do get a bit of a better rate, i can see the advantages of running one. lower buy price, lower fixed costs, better fuel millage, much easier to drive.
maybe heavier loads ?
is this a good way to make a living for drivers that really don't need much ?


Veteran Expediter
Cheaper to purchase too I would imagine.
I'd always laugh about truck dealers.
If you had a short hood Pete and were selling it you had an undesireable morphodite.
As soon as he took tltle it became "rare-hard to find" model.


Veteran Expediter
Except for the mileage whats the difference between that and a regular C/Van??

Cargo length is just over 10 1/2' so about the same as extended ford or Chev. Payload about the same as 1 ton van even rated 8550 GVWR they are under 5k empty. Not sure what rear door height is.


Retired Expediter
Cargo length is just over 10 1/2' so about the same as extended ford or Chev. Payload about the same as 1 ton van even rated 8550 GVWR they are under 5k empty. Not sure what rear door height is.
yours is 70 inches Scott....72 inside...


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Cargo length is just over 10 1/2' so about the same as extended ford or Chev. Payload about the same as 1 ton van even rated 8550 GVWR they are under 5k empty. Not sure what rear door height is.

what is the price range on one of these, and a high door entrance and room for me and my ancient home made bed, I may be interested. My old 2002 one ton cv is till grazing and I would keep it for backup if a carrier was not anal on age( old dodge got a rebuilt engine and tranny, only thing wrong is its a dodge, small door opening)


Veteran Expediter
The pic Moose posted was the 02-06 model year, so it would be well under $10k depending on condition. Actually there are probably more high top short wheelbase vans out there for the same prices.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
The pic Moose posted was the 02-06 model year, so it would be well under $10k depending on condition. Actually there are probably more high top short wheelbase vans out there for the same prices.

I was looking at the 30 mpg, thats a big savings over a year and can be a chunk of change.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Comparing new Chevy 3500 to new Sprinter 2500 low roof the Sprinter is one foot shorter in length and one foot taller in height, rounded off from the last fraction of an inch. That gives an interior standing height of 65 inches minus flooring and insulation vs. 53.4 minus flooring and insulation for the Chev. That's still not full stand up height but enough to make a major difference in comfort level. The Sprinter also a 9.3 foot tighter turning radius which would be a full lane of traffic narrower. The Sprinter has about 500 pounds less total cargo capacity than the Chev.

For FedEx the low roof Sprinter could be a good option in that they don't differentiate and will only put two 48x48x48 in a van whether Chev or Sprinter of any variety. When the new systems go online in a year or so that should change and actual vehicle specs be used to load vehicles. Then the greater height could be beneficial.

Still, if the 2500 low roof reliably gets even 27mpg compared to maybe 22 for a tall extended that can offset a lot of freight and much more so when compared to 18 in a Chev. In 54k miles that's 2k gallons for the low roof Sprinter and 3k for the Chev, a definite advantage.


Veteran Expediter
Comparing new Chevy 3500 to new Sprinter 2500 low roof ...

All great info, LDB, as a current GMC CV owner, but thinking down the road about something else that comes off the line relatively ready to go. The extra 12" interior height would be lovely, especially if it allows taller loads through the rear doors. I'm only 3'8" tall anyway ;)

Don't like the shorter length, though. The wider turning radius in the long wheelbase GMC has never bothered me, especially when considering the load is spread over the length more proportionately and eliminates the long overhang in the back.

The mileage increase is certainly an advantage though, with the Sprinters, and though it is a debated issue, I know, I wonder how much the advantage is offset by increased maintenance costs of Sprinters over standard CVs. Running a diesel CV has been relatively trouble-free and what seems like far more dependable, at least for me, for years.

The ideal, as mentioned in another thread, would be the TurtleTop TerraMaxx body on the long wheelbase GMC chassis, and to that I would add the Duramax diesel engine. Maybe someday, somewhere...
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Veteran Expediter
Keep in mind...these great fuel mileage numbers, as well as maintenence costs are all different when talking about the pre '07 Sprinters (which is what this thread is based). Once you get into the newer's not as clear of a picture.


Veteran Expediter
Keep in mind...these great fuel mileage numbers, as well as maintenence costs are all different when talking about the pre '07 Sprinters (which is what this thread is based). Once you get into the newer's not as clear of a picture.

Good point, Rocketman; noted.