Yup ......
must be one of them "conspiracy" things that some folks don't believe exists ..... or can't be concealed ....
I didn't say it was a conspiracy thing, nor do I think it is (although it's certainly possible that it was discussed amongst two or more people before it was posted). I think it is is a piece of fiction penned by an individual for the specific purpose of furthering an agenda, and not necessarily a conspiracy thing at all. I think there are people in the military, including intelligence officers, who support Ron Paul. How can there not be, since the military is made up chiefly of
us, and
us has it's fair share of Ron Paul supporters, too. I just don't think Robert Wenzel happened to have a conversation with someone who just so happened to be a military intelligence officer who did not know who Robert Wenzel was or his background (because his
not knowing is
crucial to the believability of a military intelligence officer and thus the story), and yet managed to somehow blather on and on in virtual scripted fashion so as to dispel the notion that anyone in the military, especially an intelligence officer, couldn't possibly agree with Ron Paul's ideas about the military.
Clearly, it is something that is
just so truly incredible .... that it couldn't possibly have happened ....
While I absolutely allow for the possibility that it
might possibly have happened, based on what I read I ain't buying it. It reads like a cliché of convenience, where this seemingly chance encounter with a military intelligence officer, someone who is at least on the surface the very antithesis of Ron Paul's platform, conveniently spilling the beans, as it were, and doing so unknowingly to such an ardent Ron Paul supporter as Robert Wenzel (editor and publisher of his very own Ron Paul Supporter Blog) and managing to hit on
exactly all the right talking points in finely worded cliché fashion required to drive home the agenda. Not only that, but "out of the blue" this otherwise evil stereotype is stealthily stumping for Ron Paul during casual conversations. It's a bona fide veritable miracle is what it is.
Who is this military intelligence officer? What branch of the military is he with? What is his rank? Where did this interview take place, and under what circumstances? Why did this conversation take place? The only thing missing from the piece is the last line at the bottom which reads, "Pass this along to everyone one the planet because, you know, they need to read it." It's reads like the countless e-mails and Blog pieces that Snopes has become famous for debunking. Still, that doesn't mean that it's not true and that it didn't happen, I'm just not buying it, is all. I'm not going to accept it blindly at face value. It's been my experience to believe very little of the claims and "facts" posted to the Internet unless it comes with, or you can find, independently verifiable proof for yourself.
a meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter asks questions of one or more persons from whom material is sought for a newspaper story, television broadcast, etc.the report of such a conversation or meeting.
If one wants to assert that Robert Wenzel, Editor & Publisher of the Blog
EconomicPolicyJournal.com is a real, actual journalist, then you must allow that any conversation he has with someone and then later reports on that Blog, as being an interview.
For those of a doubting nature, considering the following that was posted by "Ashley" in the comments section of the referenced EPJ post:
For those of a doubting nature, the incredibly convenient posting by "Ashley" more or less cements the doubt. It's not at all unlike the sudden emergence from the cyberwoodwork of newly created screen names with single digit posting histories in the Expediter Services threads where they pound away in defense of ES, and do so in the same manner, phrasing and language - the more posters we can muster mister, the better convincing they are as a whole. (turns out, at least two of these posters purporting to be team drivers with ES are, in fact, not).
So Ashley couldn't
possibly be someone who is a plant, or a shill, or someone otherwise independently misrepresenting themselves on the Internet, because stuff like that just
never happens on the Internet. And it's impressive that he has his own Blog, because they don't just let
anybody have a Blog. So I'm not altogether convinced that the appearance of Ash and his blank Blog (save a picture of some guy ostensibly from Pensacola standing next to an Air Force trainer) is quite enough to squash a doubting nature.
Having said that, Ash Smith is a real guy, and he's really in the military and that's really him in that picture next to the trainer. He's originally from Newport, Arkansas, and graduated from high school in 2004 in Junction City, Kansas (Fort Riley Military Reservation, Manhattan, KS). He and his wife Emily live in Fayetteville, North Carolina and are the proud parents of at lease one child. He is currently living in Pensacola while undergoing training. He is in the North Carolina Air National Guard where he works on communication and navigation equipment on the C-130 aircraft, and it currently in training (likely at the USAF's 479th Flying Training Group stationed out of the Pensacola NAS). He's in training to become a Navigator on the C-130 H3.
He is also a very real and very ardent Ron Paul supporter. Ardent enough that, according to his
Facebook page, he borders on being obsessed with Ron Paul and the campaign fundraising of Ron Paul. It's very important to him, not that there's anything wrong with that. But it does tell us where he comes from and some of his motives for the things he says in the comments sections around the Net.
So, what we have is essentially an arguably obsessive Ron Paul supporter posting talking point clichés in the comments section of a Blog full of talking point clichés of questionable origin, which is supposed to be somehow an authentication of Robert Wenzel's honestly and blind luck in having an interview with a military intelligence officer who also happens to be a Ron Paul supporter. Got it.