Michigan has set the waterfowl seasons and limits. I have posted the info below.
Michigan duck hunters will enjoy three opening days this fall as the Natural Resources Commission set waterfowl seasons at its meeting Thursday in Lansing.
The seasons, which were recommended by Department of Natural Resources biologists, correspond to the recommendations of the Citizens Waterfowl Committee, which met Aug. 8.
Duck seasons will run Sept. 26 - Nov. 20 and Nov. 26-29 in the North Zone (Upper Peninsula)
Oct. 3 - Nov. 29 and Dec. 5-6 in the Middle Zone
Oct. 10 - Dec. 6 and Jan. 2-3 in the South Zone.
There is an open season on canvasbacks this year as well as expanded opportunity for scaup. The daily bag limit is six ducks to include no more than four mallards (no more than one hen), three wood ducks, two redheads, two scaup, one pintail, one black duck and one canvasback.
Early Canada goose season opens Sept. 1 and runs through Sept. 15 statewide, except for the Upper Peninsula and Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron counties, where it runs through Sept. 10. The daily bag limit is five.
Regular goose seasons are Sept. 16 - Oct. 30 in the North Zone; Oct.3 - Nov. 9 and Nov. 26 - Dec. 2 in the Middle Zone; and Oct. 10 - Nov. 12 and Nov. 26 - Dec. 6 in the South Zone, except for designated Goose Management Units (GMU). The daily bag limit is two.
In the Saginaw County and Tuscola/Huron GMUs, the goose season is Oct. 10 - Nov. 12, Nov. 26 - Dec.6, and Jan. 2-31 with a bag limit of two.
In the Allegan County GMU, the season is Nov. 28 - Dec. 21 and Dec. 28-Jan. 17 with a bag limit of two.
In the Muskegon Waste Water GMU, the season is Oct. 13 - Nov. 14 and Dec. 1-12 with a bag limit of two.
Elsewhere in the South Zone, the late season is Jan. 2-31 with a bag limit of five.
Hunters may also harvest other geese during the regular and late goose seasons in their respective zones. The bag limits are 10 snow, blue and Ross’ geese in combination; and one white-fronted goose or one brant.
Hunters are also reminded of the Youth Waterfowl Weekend on Sept. 19-20. This hunt is statewide for licensed youths 10 to 15 years of age. Youths must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or someone 18 years or older. The adult will not be allowed to hunt waterfowl and is not required to have a waterfowl hunting license. The daily limits are
the same as those allowed for the regular duck season.
Michigan duck hunters will enjoy three opening days this fall as the Natural Resources Commission set waterfowl seasons at its meeting Thursday in Lansing.
The seasons, which were recommended by Department of Natural Resources biologists, correspond to the recommendations of the Citizens Waterfowl Committee, which met Aug. 8.
Duck seasons will run Sept. 26 - Nov. 20 and Nov. 26-29 in the North Zone (Upper Peninsula)
Oct. 3 - Nov. 29 and Dec. 5-6 in the Middle Zone
Oct. 10 - Dec. 6 and Jan. 2-3 in the South Zone.
There is an open season on canvasbacks this year as well as expanded opportunity for scaup. The daily bag limit is six ducks to include no more than four mallards (no more than one hen), three wood ducks, two redheads, two scaup, one pintail, one black duck and one canvasback.
Early Canada goose season opens Sept. 1 and runs through Sept. 15 statewide, except for the Upper Peninsula and Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron counties, where it runs through Sept. 10. The daily bag limit is five.
Regular goose seasons are Sept. 16 - Oct. 30 in the North Zone; Oct.3 - Nov. 9 and Nov. 26 - Dec. 2 in the Middle Zone; and Oct. 10 - Nov. 12 and Nov. 26 - Dec. 6 in the South Zone, except for designated Goose Management Units (GMU). The daily bag limit is two.
In the Saginaw County and Tuscola/Huron GMUs, the goose season is Oct. 10 - Nov. 12, Nov. 26 - Dec.6, and Jan. 2-31 with a bag limit of two.
In the Allegan County GMU, the season is Nov. 28 - Dec. 21 and Dec. 28-Jan. 17 with a bag limit of two.
In the Muskegon Waste Water GMU, the season is Oct. 13 - Nov. 14 and Dec. 1-12 with a bag limit of two.
Elsewhere in the South Zone, the late season is Jan. 2-31 with a bag limit of five.
Hunters may also harvest other geese during the regular and late goose seasons in their respective zones. The bag limits are 10 snow, blue and Ross’ geese in combination; and one white-fronted goose or one brant.
Hunters are also reminded of the Youth Waterfowl Weekend on Sept. 19-20. This hunt is statewide for licensed youths 10 to 15 years of age. Youths must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or someone 18 years or older. The adult will not be allowed to hunt waterfowl and is not required to have a waterfowl hunting license. The daily limits are
the same as those allowed for the regular duck season.