I have to disagree with you there. ALL the players on the Duke lacrosse team were affected. Their season cancelled, their coach fired, and three players hung out to dry by their school. Even after the evidence was tainted, the prosecutors corrupted, discoveries held back from proper defences, they were still thrown under the bus. Only after everything was dropped, did Duke say that they had the school's support. This is a case where the defendants did absolutely nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is nothing illegal about having strippers over to your house. There is nothing illegal about having a couple of 'pops' if you're over 21. There is, however, something wrong with filing a false police report, dragging three innocent people through a court room circus for over a year, and furthering one's own political future through a scapegoat trial. Well, Nifong got his wish, he was re-elected, but look at him now. Karma, or whatever, got a hold of him and now he's found himself under a bus without shin pads.