Well Greg, et al, there are M number of loads to be hauled. They either go into a citizen's truck or into a foreigner's truck. Common sense says if you admit a large new group of foreigners that takes away .xxM jobs from the citizens. Common sense won't tell the exact numbers but it certainly tells that this will harm truckers, unless we're going with the same liberal excuse "they're just doing the jobs citizens won't do".
You don't look much in the cabs of trucks do you.
We have eastern Europeans in cabs of trucks hauling freight here in the US.
We have Indians and Pakistanis in cabs of trucks hauling freight here in the US.
We have Brazilians and Colombians, people from Peru and from Argentina in cabs hauling freight here in the US.
We have Chinese and Aussies in cabs of trucks hauling freight here in the US.
AND we have those Canadians coming here in vans, stealing C unit freight.
So when you say "They either go into a citizen's truck or into a foreigner's truck." who do you think is hauling the stuff now?
It surely isn't all red blooded Americans who live to eat apple pie and drive Chevrolets.
When a truck is hosting a family, READ FAMILY from India, they can work for a lot less than what we expect (like just above cost), where is the outcry to limit their access?
Again ... no one with any thing to back up the claims?