Mexican trucks begin this weekend ...


Veteran Expediter

I feel for you, dingell is as useless for Michigan as Granholm and Levin. Not one of them has done anything for our state and we are so stupid reelecting them, it is no longer funny.

I think in his case, having been there for 52 years and his father 22 years before is a sad representation of a dynasty.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep and his son will be next. Remeber, it is not voter apathy that stops most from voting, it is voter discust. We have to control our government better, they seem to have forgotten that they work FOR us, they DO NOT rule us. it is our fault though, we let them get away with it as long as they GIVE us freebies. WATCH OUT for "FREE" health care. How "FREE" will it be? Better open you wallet wide. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
While I'm not for opening up the border with Mexico, I have to wonder what makes everyone think Mexican drivers are exempt from our H.O.S. and other laws.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In addition to screwing Amrican Truckers think about all of the cross dock transfer locations that will be affected in Laredo,El Paso, Brownsville etc.Lots of folks going to be on unemployment.


Expert Expediter
Well all i got to say is i'm glad i have friends in canada. I guess in a few years i'll get my canadian citizenship and start talking like them. EH?


Expert Expediter

Why Is Bush Bowing to Mexico?
Posted Aug 30th 2007 6:15PM by Scott
Filed under: President Bush, Economy, Bush Administration

It's been clear since his first term that President Bush has a soft spot for Mexico. It became a serious issue during the debate on the "shamnesty" bill and his elitist attitude when he hit the blogosphere/talk radio brick wall that derailed it.

Now he's reached his nadir with his plan to allow Mexican trucks to cross the border and deliver anywhere in the United States beginning Saturday:

Teamsters leaders said they planned to seek an emergency injunction Wednesday from the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

..."What a slap in the face to American workers, opening the highways to dangerous trucks on Labor Day weekend, one of the busiest driving weekends of the year," said Teamsters President Jim Hoffa.

..."Before providing unconditional access throughout the country to tens of thousands of big rigs we know little to nothing about, we must insure they meet safety and environmental standards," Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope said.

I actually agree with the Teamsters and the Sierra Club (an uncomfortable feeling to be sure). As one who lived in San Diego County for nearly ten years, you should see some of the vehicles that cross the border.

Another issue is that this truly is taking jobs from American workers and giving them to Mexicans. The status quo works just fine; the Mexicans haul the goods to the border, American drivers take over from there. It's worked for nearly a 25-years so why change? I'm not a big union supporter even though I am forced to work with them, but Hoffa has a point.

Bush has got to realize that the Mexicans are not Americans even though they think they should be simply because they are here, albeit illegally. He likes the Mexican people and I do too, yet to hurt American workers to appease a nation that has allowed its citizens to consistently break our laws is repulsive. If they want access to drive on American roads, charge them double what the average owner-operator pays in taxes and make them buy their diesel from our stations and under our environmental regulations. I'm not a tariff guy, but make it at least competitive and don't shut the American trucker out.

It should be noted that both Bush 41 and Bill Clinton have just as much responsibility and they were both huge advocates for NAFTA and this is part of the provision.


Expert Expediter
Trucking steve summers was reading a interview with Mexican trucks where they stated that they use drugs to stay awake for 70 plus hours.

I have always thought it imposable but maybe after all the big companys lose some money you will hear the CEO's calling for a driver strike.

Lets just see how long it takes for the 1st American to die and the hands of a mexican truck. Will that cause a chang, mostlikely not. It would help if its a NAFTA's family. I dont want anyone to die. As for news coverage i live in cincinnati, OH. I have not heard anything on the local TV stations.

I did hear 1 thing on the radio, they were talking about lowering taxes on a house that was 200,000. SQ feet



Expert Expediter
Yeah, I haven't seen anything on the news either. I am wondering however about how many ABANDONED Mexican trucks we will find around the US. Think about it: You want to come to the US? Just get a trucking job and they usher you straight across. No having to jump the fence and run anymore. Hide a few cousins in the reefer box and you're good to go.

Drive Safe!


Driver for 15 years
O/O for 13 years
OOIDA #829119

[em]"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." --Mark Twain[/em]


Expert Expediter
Packmule im with you on the labor unions its an uncomfortable feeling for sure finding myself siding with them.I look at like this..The previous president and the present one along with the present congress (both sides)have introduced forien labor as a way to cheat the game. Its as if in a little league game one team is aloud to bring in a college age pitcher and the other team has to play bye the rules..IF YOU THINK TRADITIONAL PARTY STANCES ARE IN PLACE AND THE DEMOCRATS ARE CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO SHUT THIS DOWN ..WHERE ARE THEY NOW? THEY RUN CONGRESS AND THE SENATE..I NEED THEM TO DO WHAT THE THE REPUBLICANS WONT..VOTE ISSUES NOT PARTY . YOUR DEMOCRATS ARE GOING TO BURN YOU LIKE MY PRESIDENT BURNED ME.


Veteran Expediter
One thing that puzzles me. Why institute ULSD fuel, then let high sulfur trucks into the country? Isn't that defeating the purpose? Or was the real purpose to get us to buy more fuel at a higher price? Don't think the Mexicans will buy our fuel. Their trucks are most likely fitted with extra tanks, so they can do round trips to Minnesota without refuelling.

Listening to Andrew Wilkow yesterday, he played a tape of a Bush official saying it would save the AMERICAN PEOPLE hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm curious what his reaction would be if we saved $100,000 more by taking HIS job away from HIM!

I hate to say it, but after voting for the stooge twice, I'm getting the feeling he's worse than Jimmy Carter! At least with domestic policies.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm assuming this arrangement grants these Mexican trucks the authority to deliver freight from Mexico into the US and pick up freight in the US to deliver back into Mexico. I'm also assuming they will NOT have authority to pick up in the US to deliver in the US. That being said, put yourselves in the position of an American shipper or manufacturer. Would you trust your freight to a Mexican driver and his truck - especially if it's a high value, time-sensitive or critical shipment? How about a load of consumer goods or something else that's easily sold on the black market? Suppose you have a claim - how do you confirm their insurance coverages? Even if they do have coverage with a Mexican insurance company, one can only imagine the nightmare scenario of trying to file a claim with one of them. Personally, I can see a lot of these Mexican trucks going back to MX empty (assuming they go back at all). Maybe this deal won't effect the expedite industry all that much.


Expert Expediter
In My opinion, George W. has totaly lost his mind, or the pay off is pretty big. The later sounds the most accurate. The pay off would have to be pretty big to justify selling our country down the tubes like he has done. I voted for this clown ( twice ) and am VERY sorry for my contribution to his wealth. I can only hope that Karma finds him soon. I can and do find him totaly to blame.


Veteran Expediter
I'm going to start this by telling you a story of the past.
A few years ago,we all used radar detectors,sure some were used so you could speed and know where the radar traps were,others were just there as toys,even the slow trucks had them.Well heres what happened.Every truck stop had a message hung up on their walls to contact your local state reps,and complain about the making it illegal to have a radar detector in your truck.Many many phone calls were made,and the radar thing went away,at least the first year.Now here is why the government won.Our officials checked all the people that made these phone calls and found out that most of them were not even regestered to vote,So the very next year,guess what?Radar detectors in trucks became illegal.
Now for the story in hand,I vote,I made my phone calls as many of my trucking brothers have,but,when our elected officials know that the people complaing cant hurt them,and the right people are being lobbied,what chance do you think we have.
If there is a slack in regulation,DOT or otherwise,then that will be the only way this will end,and the border trucks will stay at the borders,cause MADD and CRASH and those other other people with the abiity to screw with the HOS laws will then get involved.The mexican companies have purchased a better truck than the ones they had in the past,but most are still not up to standard.
I dont think this will hurt the real expediter,as in time sensitive,our shippers will ned us,as there loads will not be delivered on tome with these Mexican trucks, it will be like when the rail road gets ther freight lost,more freight to have expedited,so maybe these border trucks wont hurt time sensitive,but for a short period,broker loads will be scarse.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I still remember my Brazilian girlfriend taking a left on a one way street. SIGN "one way->" "KEE"S?? UN QAY?" As I watched my life pass by in seconds dodging horn blowers!!


Expert Expediter
I believe that "most" American manufacturers will still hire these mexican drivers because they can take the frieght cheaper than us americans. AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE. They could care less how the frieght gets to it's destination as long as it gets there. Just look at the NAFTA aggreement. As soon as it was passed into law there were "countless scores" of companies who went to Canada and Mexico knowing that they could get cheaper labor and not have to pay for American health insurance. Just look at Ford. How many plants have they put in Canada and Mexico since NAFTA was enacted. I guess we should be thanking Honda, Toyota, and Mitsubishi for bringing their plants here. but there is another scenario....isn't it cheaper for Japan to make their cars here than in Japan b/c of the high cost of living?????
