Memphis Uniform Store



I don't think we can buy uniforms there anymore. If I remeber right the last time we stopped there they told us we had to order them. I might be wrong, I've been wrong once before, LOL.


Staff member
I did not even know there was an actual store. I also was under the impression the only way to order uniforms was by phone as I do not even think they have a web site. Kind of like ordering blind as you also have no pictures of what you are trying to buy. I would like to see a picture of the different coats and jackets we can get.


Veteran Expediter
I think the store was in Nashville,but Bob and Linda are right,you have to order on the phone,cant actually see what your buying


Expert Expediter
I know there was a store in Memphis I have been there before but it was 8 or 9 years ago. I liked the fact that when we went there we could actually try on the pants and shorts. Made a big difference in ordering and having to return because the sizes ran different that any I had tried before.

Thanks for the info I have the phone number for them and the address is in Nashville so I will call tomorrow and see if we can go to an actual location to look at the available items. Will let you all know if we can.

Again thanks and have a great month. Let's all blow the averages out and score a $30,000.00 month. LOL:eek::cool:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't like buying clothes without trying them on either. I noticed when I was in the "hunting clothes" department at Cabela's that sizes were kinda "fluid". No size marking meant much of anything and often two pair of pants, from the same manufacturer, same style, model and size marking would be different. I like to try on EVERY item that I buy. Layoutshooter