Memorial Day


Veteran Expediter
Thanks to all the vets and armed forces service people out there for their sacrifice keeping our country safe. I believe that thanks should not be one day but 365 days a year.

My wife has been rather upset with me not telling anyone about my attempt to thank them everyday so I gave up fighting her and decided to say something; here is what I am doing.

Back in march when I took time off for my ear infection, I ended up helping out a friend and his daughter move into her new apartment.

It was a touching situation see his daughter just got out of rehab the day before the move because she lost her leg in Iraq. It was an accident with a truck during a combat situation something she blames no one for except herself – she don’t blame the Iraqis nor Bush for it. She was not there for the education benefits, the career or anything like that but she wanted to make a difference. Her goal, not being stopped by ‘this little problem’ is still to own a farm and raise endangered livestock. She kept saying that we are doing good for all over there in Iraq but no one wants to hear these good things that are actually happening.

So this inspired me to at least attempt to do something to show I care and show them my appreciation for their work and sacrifice – I created a website where nothing but the good stories/photo/videos can be posted - Dateline Iraq. It is strictly for the positive stories about Iraq, Afghanistan and all the people who are doing good things over there, including contractors, no political spin or political talk. This is my way of saying thanks for the job they are doing – I wish I could do more for all of them.

There may be a bunch of sites out there that have these stories on them, but I only found one and that has not had a story posted for over a year. I feel it may be helpful to have a site like this, if it fails all I can say is at least I tried.

I haven’t asked if I can post the URL on EO – so I won’t, but I can post my truck site which has the URL in the sidebar on the left for Dateline Iraq. Dateline Iraq and my truck website are still in development form and may look odd and subject to change and you will notice right now the Bulgarian words on the site. The truck site is almost finished (format and content) but the changes are not online yet and Dateline Iraq is next. When I get back I will hopefully start to send out emails and letters to see who would be interested in posting stories.

Oh one other thing, there are no ads on the Dateline Iraq site – period. This is about the people and their positive stories, not about making money or me – my truck site is about me and my truck. Even though I am scraping together (literally) the $50 every month to pay for the hosting for all three sites, I feel this is too important to have it filled with ads. I do ask for donations on my truck site and have ads there, but that is about it. Of course I can get hosting cheaper but there are reasons why I am not going to which I won’t post. My hope is this does help everyone and takes off, so I will need to move it to another host that can handle the traffic for $115 a month. Is it a lot of money? Sure but it’s worth it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Greg: Me, and my 31 years appreciate, really appreciate your thanks.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard

I only did 30 but my thanks are heartfelt as well. Today, for me, is a day of reflection of the memory of my fallen shipmates and those Soldiers, Sailors and Marines that preceeded and followed me.



Staff member
Our daughter is in the air force and we are very proud of her. She will probably be deployed after the first of the year and she is excited to be able to do her part for our country. We are very proud of her and the military.


Veteran Expediter
Greg, thank you for your heartfelt support for our service men and women. These kids are doing one hellova job and they do deserve to be honored every day of the year.

Thank You

USN 1965-1969


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I agree. Regardless of ones personal opinion of Iraq, we all owe a debt of gratitude to all the men and women serving now and in the past.

21 years
EO moderator


This is a great post. Living in the Ohio Vetrens Childrens Home In Xenia, Ohio for 4 year made me understand more about that men and women that Gave there Life for mine and your freedom. Thanks to some of those men and women that would come to the Childrens Home in Xenia I understood what the VFW, and DAV the was all about.

Terry Do you Know what 40 and 8 Day is?

Thank you all for your service.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Thanks Dave. Here's an explanation for all to read.

La Societe des Quarante Hommes at Huit Chevaux is an independent fraternal organization of U. S. veterans, more commonly known as the Forty & Eight.

The Forty & Eight was formed in 1920 by American Legionnaires as an honor society and from its earliest days it has been committed to charitable aims. Membership is by invitation for members of the American Legion who have shown exemplary service. All Forty & Eight members are thus veterans of congressionally recognized wartime periods via their Legion membership.

The Forty & Eight’s titles and symbols reflect its First World War origins. American servicemen in France were transported to the battle front on narrow gauge French railroads (Chemin de Fer) inside boxcars (Voitures) that were half the size of American boxcars. Each French boxcar was stenciled with a “40/8â€, denoting its capacity to hold either forty men or eight horses. This ignominious and uncomfortable mode of transportation was familiar to all who traveled from the coast to the trenches; a common small misery among American soldiers who thereafter found “40/8†a lighthearted symbol of the deeper service, sacrifice and unspoken horrors of war that truly bind those who have borne the battle.

AL Post 50


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My father plus a total of 10 uncles or aunt's husbands went to war during World War Two. All 11 of them came home safely. Not a day goes by that I don't consider the sacrifice made by the fine citizens who serve this country in the military. I've walked up to total strangers just because they are in uniform so that I can thank them for serving. Regardless of one's feeling toward government policies and the military overall there is no excuse for anything less than respect to the individuals protecting our country and our Constitution. Many of the citizens of this nation as well as a number of elected officials don't deserve their citizenship or the right to live in this great nation because of their disrespect of our troops. Thank you to all the members of this forum who also served.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Thanks Terry, Nobody has ever explained it to me that way. I just knew it was 40 men or 8 horse's. So I take it you Know what Boys state is to. I went to Buckeye Boys State and will never forget that as long as I live. I don't Think people really understand how much the Veterans do For kids. I know I do.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Veteran Expediter
I am almost always antiwar, believing there are few instances in which war is justified. But I know it wasn't the soldiers who decided to go to war - they are honorable people, risking their lives to fulfill their duty to our country. I appreciate that, and I too, thank the soldiers that I see, whether I know them or not. It is a comfort to me, knowing that if our country ever falls under attack, the enemy will face some of the best soldiers on Earth, and the enemy will lose.
It's the politicians I despise, for sending the soldiers into harm's way, for flimsy & fabricated reasons.
Our soldiers have earned our support, respect, and gratitude.