media bias


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The entire idea of Marxism, socialism or communism is flawed. The only way this agenda can suceed is to lie. They have to play on minds that have never bee taught history or any kind of logic. Class envy instead of policy. Racial bias instead of ideas. They ridicule rather than discuss. They do all they can to make sure that no ideas opposing thiers are aired. Just wait and see how "Balanced" the debate of socializing 30% of our economy will be. They will "tell" you how good things will be. They will NOT allow ANY discussion of how high taxes will be. How your health care will be rationed. About long waiting lists for hip or knee replacment. Most of the media has been "educated" by marxists. What do you expect? Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
This is reason that I have stopped watching the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric!
I heared she has a book coming out about Hussein Obama?!?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Here's a similar AP article about the Center for Media and Public Affairs research. The article also references the Pew study (link above). It's an equally interesting article, especially in the last few paragraphs where it lists Pew research that's not even mentioned in the link above.

The Associated Press: Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign

Also, here's a story from last year, somewhat dated, but still very relevant. The two referenced articles are definitely worth the read, as well, and are particularly important since they originated from MSNBC, which is all kinds of ironic. It appears that, at least someone at MSNBC is aware of the bias and is at least trying to temper it.
MSNBC Confirms Liberal Media Bias

And this is a good one that really shows what's going on:
MSNBC chief defends anchor switch - Los Angeles Times