Maybe Obamacare is good for America.


Not a Member
This is from a facebook status of a former expeditor. I am sure that the A.C.A. is not perfect but this is just one example of a couple that has been helped a great deal by this legislation.

I want to send a big THANK YOU to President Obama and Greg at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. For years and months I have stressed about this Obama Care thing to the point of tears and sleepless nights. My husband and I don't make alot of $$. We are too young for Medicare, too old for bringing new life in the no dependents and non qualifying for Medicaid, yet we could not afford to go to the Dr. for our health issues. Now: We have health insurance that is '0' cost for preventive health care. We can get our physicals and tests for prostate, colon and breast cancers etc....'0' charge!! Our co-pay for the Dr. office visits $45. Our prescriptions: $20, and we are protected in the event of a catastrophic illness. We also can get our glasses and I can get my dental care. NO MORE SUFFERING FOR ILLNESS, TOOTHACHES, OR BLURRED VISION!! We now have peace of mind. I was at my wits ends when I decided to call Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I told them I was confused, worried and stressed beyond belief. 'Greg' took the reins and guided me through the process. He even went to the health care web site and helped me to choose the plan that fit our needs and our budget. He helped with the application too. What does all this cost? $63.00 a month. Health, vision and dental for 2 people. You can say what you will about Obama Care, but from our point of view: IT ROCKS!!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Nice try. Blue cross doesn't have a policy that is $63.00 for a couple in ANY state. Might have insurance for $63.00 a month, but that is medicaid.
Checks rates somewhere other than Facebook.
OTR Management Services

OTR Management Services

(865) 233-8937
OTR Straight Truck Expedited Driver

Job descriptionLooking for qualified teams Do you thrive on the open road and enjoy the challenge of time-sensitive deliveries?We are a large fleet owner seeking a highly motivated and professional Expedited straight truck Driver to join our team. You'll be responsible for transporting critical goods across all 48 states, with the potent ... Apply Today!


Veteran Expediter
Please distribute Greg's contact info ASAP!! I'm sure there are a lot of people will be fighting to get on "his" plan.


Retired Expediter
Nice try. Blue cross doesn't have a policy that is $63.00 for a couple in ANY state. Might have insurance for $63.00 a month, but that is medicaid.
Checks rates somewhere other than Facebook.

I disagree Dave....Why...because they are probably subsidized...he did say they went on the government a income level of like 200% of the poverty level the rates are dirt cheap....


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I disagree Dave....Why...because they are probably subsidized...he did say they went on the government a income level of like 200% of the poverty level the rates are dirt cheap....

True....but that isn't Blue Cross. That is why they expanded Medicaid.
Medicaid is subsidized insurance if you are at 200 percent of poverty.
Should add, a Blue Cross agent can write the policy for medicaid, but it isn't Blue Cross insurance.
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Veteran Expediter
I know someone that called me and was at about $600 a month. I said if you didn't smoke ? Closer to $350.
She found a cheaper plan.
When she got done they asked an income range. I think she picked $12,000- $46,000, or close to that.
At $12,000 income I think shes paying under $100 per month, subsidized.
She's planning on paying much more next year.


Retired Expediter
if you work your income tax right....the subsidized might just be the better way...just a bunch of hoops to go thru....I started the app back when the site went blank....LOL gave up and went to private route...


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I know someone that called me and was at about $600 a month. I said if you didn't smoke ? Closer to $350.
She found a cheaper plan.
When she got done they asked an income range. I think she picked $12,000- $46,000, or close to that.
At $12,000 income I think shes paying under $100 per month, subsidized.
She's planning on paying much more next year.

At 12k a year that sounds about right. Someone unemployed would likely have similar numbers.


Veteran Expediter
I was amazed she said $12,000 to mid-to upper $40's, and got to get subsidized at $12,000.
She's not even a Democrat.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Upper 40's and single isn't going to generate a subsidy but the 12k will as that is well below the poverty line.


Not a Member
Nice try. Blue cross doesn't have a policy that is $63.00 for a couple in ANY state. Might have insurance for $63.00 a month, but that is medicaid.
Checks rates somewhere other than Facebook.
I'm not trying anything. I read it on facebook from a former load 1 driver. It was a rare post in favor of the A.C.A. and I thought it was a good topic for discussion. Maybe the original writer will chime in or someone else who read it.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I'm not trying anything. I read it on facebook from a former load 1 driver. It was a rare post in favor of the A.C.A. and I thought it was a good topic for discussion. Maybe the original writer will chime in or someone else who read it.

They would have to as the provided information doesn't match anything that has been reported.
As mentioned, if so, Greg the insurance man's phone would be ringing off the hook and this person would be on a Obama commercial.
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Expert Expediter
This is from a facebook status of a former expeditor. I am sure that the A.C.A. is not perfect but this is just one example of a couple that has been helped a great deal by this legislation.

I want to send a big THANK YOU to President Obama and Greg at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. For years and months I have stressed about this Obama Care thing to the point of tears and sleepless nights. My husband and I don't make alot of $$. We are too young for Medicare, too old for bringing new life in the no dependents and non qualifying for Medicaid, yet we could not afford to go to the Dr. for our health issues. Now: We have health insurance that is '0' cost for preventive health care. We can get our physicals and tests for prostate, colon and breast cancers etc....'0' charge!! Our co-pay for the Dr. office visits $45. Our prescriptions: $20, and we are protected in the event of a catastrophic illness. We also can get our glasses and I can get my dental care. NO MORE SUFFERING FOR ILLNESS, TOOTHACHES, OR BLURRED VISION!! We now have peace of mind. I was at my wits ends when I decided to call Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I told them I was confused, worried and stressed beyond belief. 'Greg' took the reins and guided me through the process. He even went to the health care web site and helped me to choose the plan that fit our needs and our budget. He helped with the application too. What does all this cost? $63.00 a month. Health, vision and dental for 2 people. You can say what you will about Obama Care, but from our point of view: IT ROCKS!!

I disagree Dave....Why...because they are probably subsidized...he did say they went on the government a income level of like 200% of the poverty level the rates are dirt cheap....

Please go back to this Persons FB Page and ask them to at least send ME.........and the Hundreds / Thousands / Millions of Others a Thank You Card...........or at the Very Least........a Christmas Card every year for "Subsidizing" the Health Care Coverage they are now able to enjoy.........

Also..........Let them know that I had planned to possibly treat myself to a Nice Used Fishing Boat sometime this Year as a "Treat" to myself for putting in 60-70 Hours a week........all year long..........with NO Vacation or Time Off whatsoever..............

But.........It seems like our Government had already made other Plans with the $***,000.00 I Recorded in Earned Income for 2013 under this New Health Care Law..........and has Plans for ME to be paying MORE and MORE in TAXES over the Next Few Years just so that a Nation......Can have a good feeling amongst ourselves because Everybody can now get Health Insurance Coverage no matter the Cost to those that work their asssss off to not only Pay for their own Health Insurance..........but also wish to enjoy the Fruits of Their Labor.............IE.....Treating Themselves to a USED Fishing Boat!!!

Again.....Yeah................Please tell those People that I would like to at least HEAR a THANK YOU in some sort of manner..................


Retired Expediter
Please go back to this Persons FB Page and ask them to at least send ME.........and the Hundreds / Thousands / Millions of Others a Thank You Card...........or at the Very Least........a Christmas Card every year for "Subsidizing" the Health Care Coverage they are now able to enjoy.........

Also..........Let them know that I had planned to possibly treat myself to a Nice Used Fishing Boat sometime this Year as a "Treat" to myself for putting in 60-70 Hours a week........all year long..........with NO Vacation or Time Off whatsoever..............

But.........It seems like our Government had already made other Plans with the $***,000.00 I Recorded in Earned Income for 2013 under this New Health Care Law..........and has Plans for ME to be paying MORE and MORE in TAXES over the Next Few Years just so that a Nation......Can have a good feeling amongst ourselves because Everybody can now get Health Insurance Coverage no matter the Cost to those that work their asssss off to not only Pay for their own Health Insurance..........but also wish to enjoy the Fruits of Their Labor.............IE.....Treating Themselves to a USED Fishing Boat!!!

Again.....Yeah................Please tell those People that I would like to at least HEAR a THANK YOU in some sort of manner..................

Was that a good thing that you included me in your quote?


Expert Expediter
Was that a good thing that you included me in your quote?

Just popped your Quote in there because you were the first to bring up subsidizing...........

Prior to that it mainly focused on the OP's Story that these Peoples "Costs" was $0.....and it was stated....what.....3 times in the OP??

Aint Nothing "FREE" in America.........if the Government Claims it is Free.......and the Recipients believe it is Free..........they will never understand that Reality is is that Guys like ME are Covering their worthless asssses INSTEAD of enjoying the Fruits of THEIR in Buying Themselves a USED Fishing Boat.

(BTW.......I'm still going to get a Boat sometime this year..........Just Annoyed that I have to pay MORE in Taxes just so that Michelle Obawas 4th Cousin from her 3rd Displaced Aunt that was married to her 6th Off Cousin who's name is Antwone Johnson outside of Detroit can keep playing Video Games until 6 AM every day and not worry about Health Care Costs cause this Administration "got his back"..............)
OTR Management Services

OTR Management Services

(865) 233-8937
OTR Straight Truck Expedited Driver

Job descriptionLooking for qualified teams Do you thrive on the open road and enjoy the challenge of time-sensitive deliveries?We are a large fleet owner seeking a highly motivated and professional Expedited straight truck Driver to join our team. You'll be responsible for transporting critical goods across all 48 states, with the potent ... Apply Today!
