Cheyenne, WY - Lawmakers in Wyoming are looking at the problem of urine bottle littering while considering making it illegal to urinate in a bottle and toss it along the road.My question is doesn't WY have a litter law? If they already have a litter law why aren't the law enforcement officials doing something about it?
Lawmakers say the practice has become problematic in some areas.I'm sure it has!!! Just another pig or two truck driver, Expediter, Camper, or traveler giving the rest of us that run the highways and use pull offs to rest in a bad name along with his or hers. Some moron trifling pig trucker or expediter or camper or traveler who ever it is that is doing this vulgar trifling thing should get cot and put on national TV
The bill, which would classify the problem as littering, passed introduction and was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee.Why did they have to go this far? It would make such littering a misdemeanor punishable by up to nine months in prison and a $1,000 fine.Should be a felony and $100000.00 dollar fine.
The bill's sponsor, Bill Vasey, D-Rawlins, admitted it would be hard to enforce,No it wouldn't!!! invest in some video cams and catch the pigs right in the act!!! Put their butt in the town square tie them to a fire hydrant and let ever dog in that town do his thing on them but he said the measure was needed to address an increasingly pungent problem, especially among highway cleanup crews.Catch them and make them perform community service and clean up all their buddies bottles!!!
"I think it's beyond their scope to pick up someone's bottle of urine, to be honest with you," Vasey said.You are right on with that one MR. Vasey, That is why you need to catch these low life’s and make them do it. I would expose each and everyone I cot. The web cam would and is your ticket to catching these low life trifling degenerates.
I will say this and make it be known. If I see some scum bag throwing a urine bottle out along the road, or at some rest area on the side of the walk, I will turn you in to the proper authorities ASAP. They make trash barrels if you have to do something this bad or if you have an emergency and have to use a bottle then please dispose of it in its rightful place.
Lawmakers say the practice has become problematic in some areas.I'm sure it has!!! Just another pig or two truck driver, Expediter, Camper, or traveler giving the rest of us that run the highways and use pull offs to rest in a bad name along with his or hers. Some moron trifling pig trucker or expediter or camper or traveler who ever it is that is doing this vulgar trifling thing should get cot and put on national TV
The bill, which would classify the problem as littering, passed introduction and was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee.Why did they have to go this far? It would make such littering a misdemeanor punishable by up to nine months in prison and a $1,000 fine.Should be a felony and $100000.00 dollar fine.
The bill's sponsor, Bill Vasey, D-Rawlins, admitted it would be hard to enforce,No it wouldn't!!! invest in some video cams and catch the pigs right in the act!!! Put their butt in the town square tie them to a fire hydrant and let ever dog in that town do his thing on them but he said the measure was needed to address an increasingly pungent problem, especially among highway cleanup crews.Catch them and make them perform community service and clean up all their buddies bottles!!!
"I think it's beyond their scope to pick up someone's bottle of urine, to be honest with you," Vasey said.You are right on with that one MR. Vasey, That is why you need to catch these low life’s and make them do it. I would expose each and everyone I cot. The web cam would and is your ticket to catching these low life trifling degenerates.
I will say this and make it be known. If I see some scum bag throwing a urine bottle out along the road, or at some rest area on the side of the walk, I will turn you in to the proper authorities ASAP. They make trash barrels if you have to do something this bad or if you have an emergency and have to use a bottle then please dispose of it in its rightful place.