I should invest in a pole, then. Never been a fisherman but am quite trainable. I think my lack of patience would be my downfall. Now, if there just happened to be a cooler of ice cold beer next to me and no loads in sight.......
Hello everyone, I was stuck in OH for 6 working days. Dispatch told me to stay right there. Called other offices and they told me to get out of OH. Call back to dispatch and they agree. They told me to DH to Tenn, went home, within that day, got a load from Lavergne Tn to Troutman Nc. Next day load from Apex Nc to Lawrence Ks. Now sitting at the Petro in Oak Grove Ks.
One thing ive seen alot of this week is alot of cars flip or turn over. Ive seen 4 within 3 days. Everyone plz be careful.