Kind of a recap...lots to do on former plumbers van...been doing Canada shorties (they pay better, what happened to US rates

) lost whole last week over the botched rear seals, but seems fixed...nice drive from Toronto to Kanata yesterday, went back roads after the 8 am pickup turned into 10am...they didn't want to load me because sprinter wasn't dock level, I was nice and thru a conversation found out only one person in the bldg had a forklift license! Waited for him...neither the pickup or the drop-off had any idea, third party booked the load, so when I arrived I got to see a 1970s forklift in have to push

asked if he needed any help, said he's got it, he was still out there 15 min later...
Also all loads needed a sprinter...seems like nothing for regular vans, so the switch was worth it...picked up an emergency rush to the airport off a FedEx that refused the load because it was 70" by 70" 9" high I made it fit