Mass Turnpike Parking Ripoff

paid vacationer

Seasoned Expediter
Nobb: it's probably too late for you to take the Shelled One's excellent advice, but thanks for posting the heads up for those of us who have yet to encounter the situation.
Maybe write a "rocks" complaint for Landline?:confused:
Might get some attention, but will make you feel less powerless, at least.

Hey cheri.... I talked with two people @ OOIDA today on two separate issues but as we were finishing up I mentioned this deal to both of them. One was in compliance, the other in PAC. They said they hadn't heard about this yet, but sure would like to. So anybody getting this ticket, you heard the lady, get it out there. Do something about it. Make a call or 2 or 30. Make some noise, man. Or...just pay the ticket, but i gotta tell ya, making noise is alot more fun.
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Expert Expediter
I wonder what qualifies as an "official" chock. Could I just stick our steel toed shoes under the tire since we never use them for anything else??
They would certainly work better than the torn up pieces of rubber they have at most loading docks.
How about a cooler or an old subway sandwich, the options are endless.

Oh here it is:
chock [chok]
n (plural chocks)
1. block to stop something moving: a block of wood or metal used to prevent a wheel from turning, an object from moving, or to support something when it is raised off the ground

Yea, steel toed shoes will work.


Expert Expediter
I am as political as any of you but I really don't see what can be done. If they put up "NO PARKING" signs and I got a parking ticket what would be the defense "I have no where else to park so the ticket is unfair".

It is well marked I have seen the signs many time but never figured they enforced it as no one seemed to use the chocks. Does this make it wrong for the ticket as far as I can see the officer just wrote a ticket for an infraction.

My post was just a fair warning. I just want people to know they are enforcing their law that is well posted.


Veteran Expediter
A simple "no parking" sign wouldn't be an issue - the problem is with the requirement to chock to wheels, as chocks [even when available] can be removed even if put in place.
As was stated, the law is outdated and needs revoked. :mad:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Aren't the Mass. State Police uniforms black in color?
Could that be because it's the same color as rubber?
OMG I forgot my wheel chock, HEY DUDE! Yea YOU
in the black wanna lay down right here in front of my
tandem wheels?


Expert Expediter
A simple "no parking" sign wouldn't be an issue - the problem is with the requirement to chock to wheels, as chocks [even when available] can be removed even if put in place.
As was stated, the law is outdated and needs revoked. :mad:

I agree with you completely.

So you park, put down the chocks, crawl into bed and wake in the morning to a ticket and missing chocks. How would you prove that you did have the chocks in place at the time that you parked and would any such "proof" actually excuse the ticket? I see it as a way to simply raise revenue for the state. I guess we better start watching for other states to follow by example and start writing tickets for some of their outdated laws.

Such as... Washington law says that a driver of a car not equipped with ash trays is liable to a fine of two hundred dollars.

Or.. Vancouver, WA has a city law that requires all motor vehicles to carry anchors... as an emergency brake.

Just a couple, very silly, examples. :D


Retired Expediter
I once got grabbed for not having an "Official Chock" Yes there is legal dimensions for a proper chock....and they are usually "chained" to the underside of the truck...If truck is properly chocked it should be almost impossible to remove them...