Back home after 3 weeks out. First 2 settlements in hand, and boy did I work hard for no bang. My 3rd settlement should be much improved because we had back to back runs once me, the truck, and dispatch finally got into a flow...but now I am feeling guilty that I haven't been on duty for 2 days. How long did it take the vets here to not feel like this is a slightly better profession than just becoming "Professional Homeless Person", which I assume is the next rung down?

Seriously, I love the experience of being on the road, but I feel like someone who accepts every available load (like I have), would be on the plus side at least 2/3 of the time.
10 to 14 mpg Gas sub 10k box with 3 pallet deep 3500# capacity, generally 2/3 of that is used...low deadhead (on paper) I drive 5mph under most the time...where would you look?
I get 50% Gross of the 60% rate split after deductions....can I live/save on this are my biggest internal dialogue...
...over here pretending there is an egg under the gas pedal, slowly accelerating just like AAA sed.
Happy to at least build a 6 month jacket for a Big Rig licence sponsorship...but hoping this is doable.