March 2010 Location


Veteran Expediter
Stopped and fueled up at the "J" in Clive Ia earlier this evening on my way to Lincoln Neb. Dropped and am now at the "J" in Gretna Neb on I-80 between Lincoln and Omaha...if nothing comes out of here by 1500, it will be KC here i come.....


Veteran Expediter
may be headed to phoenix. moose, sent you a pm. you can still call.

Was really nice sitting down with tom & tina , at the J , Tho'w the Dannye's Won't take the J paper money .
always nice to learn from other Expediters Experience (Just when you think you know it all) , they sure know how to run a business , and now that i have the Phone #...
have a nice trip down to Phoenix , ant try not to hit an Elk in Flagstaff .
still sitting at the Denver J.


Veteran Expediter
Delivered my Load this Afternoon to GM Toledo....Now I sit and wait at the J up here...Common Big Week/Fat Paycheck...I need a coulple of those...:D

Ha ha GSMACKER...Falligator did say he was missin you badly...:eek:


Not a Member
Moved down to the Ontario TA Friday hoping for a better shot at freight. Didn't work out so here I sit. Guess it's my turn in my 2previous trips to Cali.never been more than 2 days before I was loaded heading east.

I'll send you a pm regarding who ships on an almost daily basis out of ontario, van freight going east.


Not a Member
In Saginaw now, after delivering in Caro. A nice day, productive in many ways.I hope tomarrow is just as good.Too wired up to Did laundry, washed the van- at 1:00 am!!!


Veteran Expediter
Delivered my Load this Afternoon to GM Toledo....Now I sit and wait at the J up here
Shoot - wish I had known you were there, would have said hello - I stopped by there this afternoon for 4 or 5 hours while I was waiting for my load to clear into Canada.

I delivered in Old Castle, ON at midnight, about 8 hours early and popped back over into the States. Currently at the Sam's Club in Southgate. Predispatched on a load out of Detroit, for later this afternoon - may swing by Perrysburg for fuel after I pick up.


Veteran Expediter
I'm in Lodi, CA, covertly spying on another FECC truck.

That lap you did around the RV lot almost made your VuQube fall off last night. Not so covert there, biscuits. But what do I know? I'm just a sheeple.

Funny on the book. And Reno is HOT. You pick which one.


Retired Expediter
That lap you did around the RV lot almost made your VuQube fall off last night. Not so covert there, biscuits. But what do I know? I'm just a sheeple.

Funny on the book. And Reno is HOT. You pick which one.

Basically any of us that contract with a carrier is a sheeple...just in different degrees...some have very tight rules and some a little loser....but one thing is a constant

The FLEX rule as I call it......:D

All bets are off IF they really need it done....:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We are now located at the Pilot in Sturbridge, MA. We delivered near Boston this morning. We have a short load tomorrow, from Milford, MA to Scranton, PA. Good load for us. Takes us near Harrisburg. I need a front end alignment prior to getting new steers next we. I get the alignments down near Harrisburg. Worked out perfect!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wouldn't it be better to get the alignment at the same time as you replaced the tires ? :confused:

It will only be about 4 days apart and I like the work that Willie does. I did it that way last time and had no problems. At least I don't think it caused any problems.


Veteran Expediter
been empty in Lincoln Neb since 2230 last i flipped the dime over and i am "goin to KC , KC here I will be BBQ for dinner at arthur byrants tonight!!!:D