March 12th, roundtable event for c/v's and sprinters~


Veteran Expediter
If we're voting, I like this idea. It's been awhile since I've had a legit burrito. Mexican food makes me itch. But mannnn do I love it. I prolly shouldn't have it, but occasionally I can't resist. Sorta like chocolate w/ someone overweight.

Even if we don't end up here, I'm going to check this place out on my own.

Hey John if Mexican works, Alexis rd exit of 75 (the 1st ohio exit) Go west and at the bottom of the overpass and just past the traffic light at Detroit ave on the Lt side of the road is a Bright colored place that looks like an old Bob Evans (cause it is) called Cinco De Mayo....great "real" Mexican food ( i thnk half the employees are illegals), big servings and cheap....and the "rita's" are "very good"...:D


Retired Expediter
Keep in mind he is not recruiting as he has stated 10 times is just a meeting of the guys who just haul freight down the road.


Veteran Expediter
DannyD wrote:

Even if we don't end up here, I'm going to check this place out on my own.

Hey Danny, if you get down there, get in touch with me, I live 5 miles from there..If I am home, i'll buy the "rita's".....:D


Veteran Expediter
Well, we're less than a week away. Has an actual location been set yet? Lots of nominations.


Moderator Emeritus
so i am guessing this thing did not happen for one reason or some other.

since john was looking for input i have these...

1. if you offer a gas card make sure it is for something other than 87 oct. if the driver needs higher octane because the engine pings at the loaded weight let him buy it after all it comes from his pocket anyway. some companies don't get this or refuse to answer calls about this to the fuel manager.

2. if i am the only truck in an area, and it is my hcv we are talking about, a load might appear that is less than 2 skids but over 48" tall, the truck needs to get the higher rate. no moving 49-70" cargo at the std van rate. pay the truck for the load. once again a point some companies don't get. e-1 gets it and pays the right price for the frt.


Veteran Expediter
Ah ... yep didn't happen. JC had a kid who went through surgery a while ago (hope she's alright?) and the event was postponed.