Manufactured Oil price spike


Expert Expediter
Does anybody besides me believe that Oil Prices are spiking because Iran OR if you **** off Joe Consumer, they will pressure there Senator/Representative to get the Keystone Pipeline open...even when we have a Overflow of Gasoline in storage, and stockpiles of Crude, AND large scale refining the arriving LNG Gas stations....

WHO is raising the price.....its surely not AchmaIdoitjob.....OR Ginggetrich....OR Obamalama.......WHO is really raising the price, manipulating the trading, causing the economy to stall when it wants to run.....????

At what Price would you park your truck and say OH HELL NO....Even with fuel surcharges at some point it tips and becomes cost prohibitive and then what.....
5 dollar Diesel is it designed to make the LNG more appealing, would you drive a LNG Truck, I have and really theres not much difference other then its far cleaner burning, in fact when you do an oil change youll be shocked at the clean oil your draining because IT IS CLEAN....Oil Change Intervals would go out to 35,000 plus for a Big Rig...Ive seen engines that were run on LNG overhauled and look perfectly clean and new after 150.000 miles and more.....

whats your thought...


Expert Expediter
Oil is high because of US dollar weakness. All imported commodities are high for the same reason. There has only been a slight increase in demand since the economy crash. Production still is ahead of demand.

You can't cheat the calculator. Governemnts who run up debts always print money, more money means higher prices. So until our Federal Budget is balanced, prices will continue to rise. All imported commodiites have been on a steady rise. This is "inflation", no matter what the Governemnt tells you.

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Veteran Expediter
So what happens if the price of imported goods rises and the cost of shipping Chinese made junk to the US rises? Does that mean at some point, it will be cheaper to manufacture products here than over there? I sure hope so.


Seasoned Expediter
So what happens if the price of imported goods rises and the cost of shipping Chinese made junk to the US rises? Does that mean at some point, it will be cheaper to manufacture products here than over there? I sure hope so.

Yes. but be careful what you wish for. You do know what the average laborer makes in China right?

Higher prices are linked to the dollar and speculation. Obama is the most to blame if you want to point fingers. There are many thing he and his administration have done to prevent drilling.

There is very little he has done to promote it.

As to the question of when does it get to high that I park the truck? When my expected profit per mile falls below my set number. Fuel could be 100 bucks a gallon. I don't care. As long as the rate paid for the load reflects that cost plus my desired "profit" on the run. The problem is the cost of fuel goes up and the rate/fsc goes up with it then the freight drys up.


Veteran Expediter
Yes. but be careful what you wish for. You do know what the average laborer makes in China right?

Honestly, I don't know...and I don't care. If the combined cost of producing and importing their product is greater than the cost of producing the product domesticly (regardless of why or how that occurs), the products will be manufactured here.

My point is that everything doesn't always have to be doom and gloom. Sometimes, you can make lemonade out of lemons. If you want to make it a political discussion, I think it should go to the soapbox. Probably where this particular "the sky is falling once again" thread should be anyway.


Veteran Expediter
While I'm on the doom and gloomer subject. Somebody explain this to me. It's not been very long ago that one of the biggest things you heard about China was how they were intentionally de-valuing their money so that we could not compete with them.

Well, now that the doom and gloomer's are convinced our money is being de-valued, it's "the sky is falling". If devalued money was an advantage for them, why is it such a nail in the coffin for us?


Veteran Expediter
So what happens if the price of imported goods rises and the cost of shipping Chinese made junk to the US rises? Does that mean at some point, it will be cheaper to manufacture products here than over there? I sure hope so.

No, it won't. Mainly because the price increases won't offset by the wages or the amount of capital needed to gear up our system to make the things they make to justify any of it. There is a fallacy that the returning of jobs is a great thing while no one tells the entire story, they leave out the part that the gains made are so small their impact won't do much while the unemployment rate drop is not due to job growth but because a lot of people have dropped off the unemployment rolls. Just looking at the regulations alone discourages people from setting up shops here, then we have the ambiguity of the tax system along with the government's lack of direction.

Honestly, I don't know...and I don't care. If the combined cost of producing and importing their product is greater than the cost of producing the product domesticly (regardless of why or how that occurs), the products will be manufactured here.

See above. If this was the case we wouldn't have mexico.

My point is that everything doesn't always have to be doom and gloom. Sometimes, you can make lemonade out of lemons. If you want to make it a political discussion, I think it should go to the soapbox. Probably where this particular "the sky is falling once again" thread should be anyway.

True but looking for bad things and trying to leverage them into good ones seems to be missed a lot of times.
Well, now that the doom and gloomer's are convinced our money is being de-valued, it's "the sky is falling". If devalued money was an advantage for them, why is it such a nail in the coffin for us?

Because everyone seems to miss an important point about how global economies work and how the dollar is part of it. I mean that we are all on par with everyone else and we as a consumer nation (look at England after WW2 to see a better illustration) we depend on our currency to be strong in order for us to purchase things we need from other countries. It isn't all that bad until you get companies like GM and Chrysler losing market share because of their own ignorance and stupidity. In their case, there is a false recovery that has it appear they are making profits while we, the tax payers are on the hook for the money they won't pay back. GM more specifically has been talking about regaining market share but their competitors are still recovering from the disaster in their home countries, which makes it look like GM has been doing well.


Veteran Expediter
No, it won't. Mainly because the price increases won't offset by the wages or the amount of capital needed to gear up our system to make the things they make to justify any of it. There is a fallacy that the returning of jobs is a great thing while no one tells the entire story, they leave out the part that the gains made are so small their impact won't do much while the unemployment rate drop is not due to job growth but because a lot of people have dropped off the unemployment rolls. Just looking at the regulations alone discourages people from setting up shops here, then we have the ambiguity of the tax system along with the government's lack of direction.

See above. If this was the case we wouldn't have mexico.

True but looking for bad things and trying to leverage them into good ones seems to be missed a lot of times.

Because everyone seems to miss an important point about how global economies work and how the dollar is part of it. I mean that we are all on par with everyone else and we as a consumer nation (look at England after WW2 to see a better illustration) we depend on our currency to be strong in order for us to purchase things we need from other countries. It isn't all that bad until you get companies like GM and Chrysler losing market share because of their own ignorance and stupidity. In their case, there is a false recovery that has it appear they are making profits while we, the tax payers are on the hook for the money they won't pay back. GM more specifically has been talking about regaining market share but their competitors are still recovering from the disaster in their home countries, which makes it look like GM has been doing well.

BS .... a net gain is a net gain regardless of how small or how large or how it came about. That pretty much applies to every response you just made. IMO of course.


Veteran Expediter
BS .... a net gain is a net gain regardless of how small or how large or how it came about. That pretty much applies to every response you just made. IMO of course.


Well wish it was true, but it isn't by any means. The problem with not seeing things in the bigger picture has been the cause of our problems for the last 60 years. A net gain made with costs that are ignored are nothing more than a spin or a lie, in the case of GM, the costs don't justify the outcome and too many lies are made to protect those who should have been held accountable.

With the idea that a net gain is a net gain regardless of how small or how large or how it came about seems to justify all of the political mistakes that gave us this economy but more so legitimizes people like Madoff who took people's money and made it look like there were gains, so ok I guess a net gain is important.


Veteran Expediter
I guess your definition of net gain is different from mine. My definition would include all of the negatives and the positive.

I guess my larger point is. When did we become a nation of whining, moaning sobbing little school girls? Take the bad with the good, grab your boot straps and swallow your pride. There is opportunity out there for those who see it. You wont see it if all you do is look for the negatives.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I guess my larger point is. When did we become a nation of whining, moaning sobbing little school girls?

I've been around truck drivers for a lot of years, and I'd have to say that ship sailed quite some time ago.

I could go off on what my bill's gonna be when I get done here at Fyda, if you'd like an example.


Seasoned Expediter
Why is every spring/Feb everyone freaks out about the rise of the cost of fuel? It arrives every year around this time of year when Refineries shut down to do maint and to start putting out the summer blends to replace the winter blends?

There is some speculation because Akminidick wants to curry favor and support by threatening this and that in guess what? The very same way Obamaloser does his political rhetoric at assembled audiences about the rich do not pay this, corporations do not pay that, in other words firing up the base to look both important and giving off the perception that he/they actually give two sh$ts about "the people".

A cleric can fart in a mosque and the oil traders will then bid it up and u also want to know why? Who in the hell would invest in companies or buy their bonds when the govt comes in and tells them what to do or to take them over? Money always moves to where it is safer and profitable.

Give it a few weeks it will start to go down.