Man shot,killed while breaking into semi's cab


Retired Expediter
In SD a hand gun MUST be in plain sight....either you look like Dillinger or Jesse James or its on the hump of your pick-up...NOT in the glove box...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yea, normal people live there. In Michigan you have to ask permission and take clases to get a CCW. Imagine, having to ask permission to excercise your Rights under the Constitution. If you have a gun in plain site you are likely to get arrested. Michigan is NOT a freedom friendly state. Not one bit. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
In Michigan you have to ask permission and take clases to get a CCW. Imagine, having to ask permission to excercise your Rights under the Constitution.

I have no problem with the requirement to demonstrate knowledge of safety procedures for firearms - I think it's a good idea, actually. As are background checks - I'd not want to worry about someone with a history of paranoid schizophrenia carrying, would you?
What I have a problem with is being denied the right to carry concealed by many states that I'm required to traverse by my job. I feel that if I'm licensed to do so in my home state, that should be honored in every other state as well. My CDL is recognized by every other state, so why not a license to carry a concealed weapon?


Veteran Expediter
I have no problem with the requirement to demonstrate knowledge of safety procedures for firearms - I think it's a good idea, actually. As are background checks - I'd not want to worry about someone with a history of paranoid schizophrenia carrying, would you?
What I have a problem with is being denied the right to carry concealed by many states that I'm required to traverse by my job. I feel that if I'm licensed to do so in my home state, that should be honored in every other state as well. My CDL is recognized by every other state, so why not a license to carry a concealed weapon?

Frankly, I'm more worried about those who carry without ANY intention of being lawful citizens. Do you think a nutzoid would want to obtain a CCW before he mows down his former office?


Veteran Expediter
Inability to think in a rational manner being the definition of some mental illnesses, who knows what they might think, or do?
We'll never eliminate the problem of weapons ending up in the wrong hands, but the point is that it shouldn't stop law abiding citizens from exercising their rights, either. Demonstrating knowledge of safe practices should be mandated, IMO, along with a clean record.
And a lawful permit to carry a weapon should be honored by every state, same as a CDL.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I really don't even think the government should be involved in the ccw program, it is my right to carry, I should not be stopped. Keep the government as far out of ours lives that is possible. They ARE the cause of most of our problems, not the solution. Just keep one thing in mind, this is a fact NOT a layoutshooter rant, last century GOVERNMENTS exterminated well over 100 MILLION people. NOT law abiding gun owners. Most, if not all, of those governments that exterminated those 100 MILLION people had strict gun control laws or did not allow any private gun ownership. I am not going to stand in line and wait for some government, ours or any other, to exterminate me. layoutshooter