Makes you wonder...


Veteran Expediter
...what is wrong with parents and their priorities.

You know I guess I am critical about parents who have a very narrow minded attitude of subjects that really don’t mean a thing. In this case I find the parents should not be parents if this reasoning is main steam.

This is from NBC5i news:

Nude Sculpture On Field Trip Gets Teacher In Trouble

FRISCO, Texas -- An award-winning teacher in Frisco is fighting for her job after an approved field trip to a Dallas museum has upset parents.

Fisher Elementary school art teacher Sydney McGee came under fire last April when she took 89 fifth graders on a field trip to the Dallas Museum of Art. Parents raised concerns over the field trip after their children reported seeing a nude sculpture at the art museum.
The parents had signed permission slips allowing their children to take part in the field trip.

Now, McGee, who was honored with a Star Teacher Award two years ago, is on paid administrative leave until her contact with the school district expires in March.

Other parents are worried about the future of the art program at the school, which they cite as a reason for moving into the neighborhood.

"Our main concern right now is what's going to happen to the children and what's going to happen to the art program at Fisher Elementary. It is the best art program. That's the reason we moved to this neighborhood. It's because of the teachers," said Shannon Allen, parent. "It was a principal approved trip. What's the big deal."

Officials with the Frisco school district declined to comment on the matter.

Well what can I say? The parents select schools based on art programs? That is so sad. I would say if the fact was that the art program is on a list of ‘would be good to teach the kids’ classes make more sense but as a primary reason, this shows that they are just a bunch of idiots.

In addition, I got to ask what did they expect – it is an art class. Did they expect to start to understand contemporize art based on Sesame Street? Did the parents want a dumb downed education for their kids. We already face a problem in this country that kids can't add or write properly, so why is it more important to teach art?

Art is indeed something that is vast and open to interpretation relative to the viewer, not to be judged by those who are ‘educated’ to appreciate art. I am a big supporter of the idea everyone is an artist and there is no elitist artists. I believe that seeing David (both by Michelangelo and Donatello) or Venus de Milo (all Nude) does not harm anyone – regardless what age.

Once we reach the point that people need to be protected from any form of art that can be construed as pornographic or worst have parents who shelter their kids so not to face the real world, we have a world that is lost in censorship and ambiguity and the kids will continue to be more dumbed down and emotional wrecks as adults. Sad!


Veteran Expediter
But those same parents will let their brats flip channels like it's nobody's business. Some of em just want to cause a stir.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter
I always wondered about people who get tremendously upset over nudity, (think wardrobe malfunction), but have no problem with video games that glorify violence...