Expert Expediter
Not sure where to put this post but I just had an epiphany. I do not want to make this political so please don't move it to the soap box.
I was sitting here at the ol' Flying J and getting ready to go to bed when 4 buses filled with people pulled in. It was almost 1am so it kind of peeked my interest. Was it a sports team? Was it some kind of music group? Where they coming back from a casno? Who were these people?
So they started to file in to the J and nothing at first really caught my eye. I had about 10 minutes left on my "House" episode so I was not paying too close attention. Then I noticed it. All of these people had something on their body that I had never seen before.
Now before I tell you what it was I want to give you some definitions and the first one is "Love"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Love is any number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection.[1] The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my wife"). This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.
The second definition is "Admiration"
From the freedictionary.com
ad·mi·ra·tion (dm-rshn)
1. A feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval. See Synonyms at regard.
2. An object of wonder and esteem; a marvel.
3. Archaic Wonder
Now, what all the people had in common was somewhere on their clothing whether it was a pin, shirt or jacket was a picture of President Obama. Notice I said President Obama. The full respect he deserves.
So I got up and started to talk to some of them and they had been at the inauguration. As soon as they started to talk about it their faces lit up and a sparkle came into their eyes. It will go down as one of the greatest days of their lives right along with a child being born or getting married.
These people literally LOVE and ADMIRE this man. And to think he is president. I am sure when the Bush's or Clinton or Carter were inaugurated they didn't have people with their picture on the whole back of a jacket like a rock star or a sports hero. I can only think of one other president that has invoked such feelings for a president and that was JFK. (to my knowledge)
He has stirred the very deepest and strongest feelings in people. I am sure 99% percent of you out there remember that feeling of being in-love. You would do anything for that other person and defend them to the very end. Thats what he has brought out in millions of people.
Now I have not had feelings that strong since maybe year 2 of my present 24 year marriage so for someone to bring that feeling to millions I then have to have some admiration for him. Its one of those things you can't put a finger on.
What makes a great leader? There are many definitions for this but to me its someone who can get a collective group of people to work toword a common goal. After seeing this tonight I would have to say he is a very good leader because they will do anything for him.
Now, how long will this last? Only time will tell. We are a nation of "what have you done for me lately" but until then they will love him and I guess I have had my eyes opened a little wider.
I was sitting here at the ol' Flying J and getting ready to go to bed when 4 buses filled with people pulled in. It was almost 1am so it kind of peeked my interest. Was it a sports team? Was it some kind of music group? Where they coming back from a casno? Who were these people?
So they started to file in to the J and nothing at first really caught my eye. I had about 10 minutes left on my "House" episode so I was not paying too close attention. Then I noticed it. All of these people had something on their body that I had never seen before.
Now before I tell you what it was I want to give you some definitions and the first one is "Love"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Love is any number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection.[1] The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my wife"). This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.
The second definition is "Admiration"
From the freedictionary.com
ad·mi·ra·tion (dm-rshn)
1. A feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval. See Synonyms at regard.
2. An object of wonder and esteem; a marvel.
3. Archaic Wonder
Now, what all the people had in common was somewhere on their clothing whether it was a pin, shirt or jacket was a picture of President Obama. Notice I said President Obama. The full respect he deserves.
So I got up and started to talk to some of them and they had been at the inauguration. As soon as they started to talk about it their faces lit up and a sparkle came into their eyes. It will go down as one of the greatest days of their lives right along with a child being born or getting married.
These people literally LOVE and ADMIRE this man. And to think he is president. I am sure when the Bush's or Clinton or Carter were inaugurated they didn't have people with their picture on the whole back of a jacket like a rock star or a sports hero. I can only think of one other president that has invoked such feelings for a president and that was JFK. (to my knowledge)
He has stirred the very deepest and strongest feelings in people. I am sure 99% percent of you out there remember that feeling of being in-love. You would do anything for that other person and defend them to the very end. Thats what he has brought out in millions of people.
Now I have not had feelings that strong since maybe year 2 of my present 24 year marriage so for someone to bring that feeling to millions I then have to have some admiration for him. Its one of those things you can't put a finger on.
What makes a great leader? There are many definitions for this but to me its someone who can get a collective group of people to work toword a common goal. After seeing this tonight I would have to say he is a very good leader because they will do anything for him.
Now, how long will this last? Only time will tell. We are a nation of "what have you done for me lately" but until then they will love him and I guess I have had my eyes opened a little wider.
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