Hotel Tax rates can vary from city to city even if located within the same state.
When using Hotwire read the fine print for hidden fees, Resort Fee, Parking Fee, Linen Fee, ETC. These fees are common around the Orlando FL area.
In addition to what items others have suggested, we carry these with us on the road in case we need these at a motel;
Warning: Do not mix cleaners and use ventilation.
Ethernet cable:
Sometimes there is access when WIFI is not available.
External USB WIFI Amplified Antenna:
Useful when weak WIFI Signal.
Also used in the nearby parking lots of McDonalds or businesses to access their free WIFI.
Microwave use will sometimes interfere with the signal.
I use the GSky amplified Antenna, Cost about $30 on Ebay.
Use with computer USB that has Internet to make free phone calls anywhere in the US, or to hook up a fax machine and send faxes. Cost about $35 at Radio Shack includes first years service then $20 per year after that.
Drain Stoppers:
After my wife cleans the bathtub, she enjoys a hot bath.
Even some of the nicer Hotels are missing or don't have a good plug.
Flip Flops:
If the bathtub is too Nasty...LOL. Actually, so we don't have walk barefoot on the carpet and to wear around the pool.
Travel Coffee Mug:
Free Coffee in the lobby usually means small cups without lids.
Antibacterial Soap/Dish Detergent:
If you really want to use the in room Coffee Maker or Drinking Glasses.
Ear Plugs:
You can also use the white noise from the radio to drown out noises. Beware that a radio station might start broadcasting at an early hour...Happened to us once.
Extra Towels:
Sometimes are not available from the Motel.