You know what I think it comes down to? A lot of us like the idea of an internet board where you can just see the loads and then pick the one you want. Call it lazy if you will, but I know that I've been searching for something like that for a while and I have yet to find it. The closest thing might be Panther's bid board where they post loads they can't cover in house. It's the same reason that many of us, myself included, were attracted to the idea of expediting in a van. We want results with a minimum amount of work. It does seem though that an online source for good paying expedited loads is nothing but a good idea, or something on our wish lists. I wish such a site existed, but I haven't found it yet. If anyone actually comes across one, please let us all know. Finding your own loads in this business is usually done through a whole lot of work cultivating relationships with shippers, brokers, and other carriers. I'd love to be able to just browse the web and find all my loads, but I don't think that's really possible at the moment.