It isnt often I see on the customer's paperwork what Fedex CC is charging them for the load. A few times it is listed. A few years back, we had a problem with a load that involved a big lack of communication between CC and the customer. The customer was livid at what had happened, and showed me that CC had charged them $20,000 for the load, and it was messed up. Hmmmm....I got paid $8,400 for that round trip load between Birmingham AL and Denver, CO. NOT the 61% that is supposed to go to the truck.
Just a few weeks back, on another fiasco load that CC screwed up, the customer was charged $3000 for the load. The truck was paid $1147 for that 475 mile run..........
A whole 'nother thread on IAC loads that WG has really messed up---dangerously!
I would agree, that even in WG, CC is doing some very under-handed dealing.