Longest Layover?


Veteran Expediter
15 days in Detroit. Then I quit. Ah..... sorry I confused myself with somebody else.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Back when I was even more stupid than I am today. 1 week in Fayetteville NC.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
10 days in El Paso during 4th of july week, you know when the plants shut down for change over. Took a load there from Brownsville on a friday, figured if I didn't take it I'd be sitting in Brownsville with 800 less dollars. Anyway there was no place to go and a long way to get there. It really wasn't to bad though. I was right in the park for the fireworks show listening to the El Paso symphony orchestra.

They were great. they played for an hour before the fireworks all patriotic songs then for 10 min. throughout the fireworks show.

Then still ended up deadheading to missouri to see new Grandson for a couple of days.

BTW thats the longest I ever sat anywhere or ever will again but when it's so far to go anywhere and your the only one down there, all one could do is hope.

As my dad always said; Wish in one hand and chit in the other and see which one fills up first!


Expert Expediter
Dec. 24 thru Jan. 2 of 2004 in indy at the j at exit 4. finally got a load from lafayette IN. to garland TX. for the international truck plant. I thought the j was going to charge me for lot rent!!!



Staff member
Retired Expediter
Nine days in Laredo.

I had a run from Laredo to Goderich, ON, Friday pickup for Monday delivery, and before I even delivered it I was dispatched on a return run back to Laredo, from the same place I was delivering to in Goderich. I was to deliver on Monday and then wait for them to machine the parts, picking up about 10 hours later on that Monday, then delivering the following Friday morning back to the same place in Laredo.

Then, wait another 10 hours or so and do it all again. I made that round trip 5 times in 5 weeks, 1776 miles each way (which had quite a note of irony on many levels).

That semi-dedicated run ended and left me in Laredo, where everything suddenly dried up. There were a couple of vans at the J when I took that last load out of Laredo, and a week later when I got back the same vans were still there. Uh, oh. And I was #9 on the Hit Parade.

Six days later I was #5. Wow.

The weekend came and went, mostly with more vans coming in, but a few finally gave up and went to Dallas. Finally, I was #1 on the board and got my load offer. Laredo to <drum roll, please> Dallas! What a hoot.

But, I got a load from Dallas to El Paso that the other 3 drivers ahead of me all turned down, and from there I was loaded out for Toronto. It's all good.

Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop


Expert Expediter
5 days greenville M.S,took the 3 loads a on the macro8 a little to seriously,i also got a load outta there to Rockford I.L but that was yrs ago.My mistake i know better just couldn't start driving north cause i knew i wouldn't get nothing till i got home,chicagoland and was 1st out all 5 days in greenville.


Expert Expediter
Never sat more than 25 hours and that was in Greenville MS then I called dispatch and got an empty move north. I have taken a load offer, couple of times, on Friday for a Monday pickup. Depends on load and location. When I am in the Mississippi River area mostly MO to north I will go out of service on vacation for a few minutes, after I pod with out a suggested relocation, then back in service and usually get an Empty Move.
I don't like to deadhead but I will if it makes sense.


Seasoned Expediter
>How long was it and where at or where did it begin. (You
>must have remained in service 24/7)

Three days up in Radisson, QC...


...while our customer put our load together.

It was supposed to happen that way, it never is, as we were scheduled to drop the incoming and pickup the outbound and head out all in the same day, but stuff happens.

No regrets though because instead of sitting there grumbling and feeling sorry for ourselves we put the truck in the garage and spend the three days ski-doo'ing and generally having fun.

Looking forward to the next layover in Radisson. :+


Veteran Expediter
Five long very cold (-10) days sitting in Chicago because FedEx locked my truck. Not just FedEx but Air Expedite group had several of us locked and it seem to take an executive order to get it removed.


Veteran Expediter
My very first layover in this business. 4 days in Janesville WI. Now if I sit more than 48 hours I figure I'm in the wrong place. I still check in to make sure I'm headed the right way but time is money. Deadheading is not as expensive in a Sprinter and sitting still costs money too.


Veteran Expediter
7 days within a 30-mile radius of Atlanta.

(4 days in Jackson area and 3 days in the Temple area)

Everyday the carrier said, "Atlanta is a good area for us."

I was new with them, but that fiasco left me less than confident in their evaluation of a good area. Yes, an area can dry up at any given time, but they would not even offer a suggested move to a more freight rich area.

One agent said, "I don't know of any areas that regularly ship expedited freight." Funny, my previous carrier had regular customers; in fact, every other carrier seems to have regular customers. With that in mind, I picked up the phone and contacted my former carrier.


Expert Expediter

That is a strange senario. Jackson I can understand, but I have never spent over 14 hours in the Atlanta area without a load. But in this industry nothing surprises me anymore.



Veteran Expediter
6 days in san antonio last year with a first out..deadheaded home to michigan for military duty. peeved off and called panther, they said the mexicans were on strike.. never heard such a thing (mexicans on strike) then i asked why the ##### did u keep me there for 6 days,(just in case)..well it was my mistake and it never happened again...i try to be home on weekends now, especially since the cold weather has set in..


Expert Expediter
3 days in Salem, OH. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday finally Tuesday night I got a load p/u on a Wednesday taking it to chicagoland.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
5 days in Kitchner,ON.
Finally got a load that P/U in Cambridge ON. and went to Erie PA.


Expert Expediter
So far I'm working on a new record. Been here since Friday and have had 1 dry run. was supposed to be going to Petersburg, VA and I have a first out and have not been called out yet. So it will be 4 days.