Log book for vans


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In my opinion NO!!! How can they enforce this law if it does become law? I and many others run vans without names on them because, well! I sell that anonymity, and privacy to my customers. Some do like or prefer we use marked vans, but many don’t like it. SO!!! If I sell it others must too. Now how is the DOT going to know we are who we are? What about all the privately owned vans that people own? Then you have Joe-Blow carpenter or painter owning vans, and the vending machine companies too. The big expedite companies may decide to make it mandatory but I don’t see it becoming a state or federal law, any time soon.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Tony dont underestimate what the Govt will dream up next.The only thing that seems to be safe from excesss regulations and rules are the vehicles and property of congressmen themselves.They vote themselves exemptions from everything.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You are right about that. NO! I do not under estimate those ##### holes at all. They never cease to amaze me, with the things they do. But if you or I try and pull it look out. Your ##### is Grass!!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think it will happen if you are leased to the large companies.It will be their insurance carriers demanding it so they don!t have to pay out if the van is in a accident and the driver is ilegal.Right now FDX CC requires van drivers to log if they are hauling haz/mat.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I think it will matter for only marked vans (logos on side) or a van that carries commercial plates. Talks already in progress in NY relating to commercial vans


Expert Expediter
Thanks for your comments,and i agree the big carriers will make it happen to cover themselves.I would hope they would give the drivers some notice so you don't make an investment in a van only to find your just as limited as a big truck.The one state were vans need to log is A.L and it's been that way since at least 1999.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
You are right on AL. Seems like they go on a blitz every now and then and go after vans. This may come to pass in NY as well. Usually it starts with a few states and then a bunch follow. Especially when there is revenue involved.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
If your hauling hazmat in a cargo van you have to log it. It's the law. TST tried to require a log from their cargo vans a few years ago and from what I hear the drivers just refused and TST just gave up on the idea. Some companies have policies restricting the miles for vans and that would probably satisfy an insurance companies concerns. I think if it were going to happen federally it probably would have by now.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Other than with Hazmat, required as noted in above post, I can't see where logging will be mandated for vehicles under 10k lbs. If that were the case, than everyone in their car on the highway should keep a log book too. Don't want Joe the travelling salesman to crash up his big Buick violating the HOS:)


Retired Expediter
I suppose the cops and scale people could use the operating #'s we have to display as an identifier that we vans run long. Here in Ont. local jo-blow carpenter or breadman doesn't display them. And also the provincial Gov. doesn't recognize vans for commercial taxes. We can't claim Prov. Tax breaks cause we're not over 10,600 lbs GVW. If you look at the big trucks they have a PRP designation on their licence plate. I guess the Ont. Gov. doesn't think we vans are worthy of a tax break.


Expert Expediter
it's only a matter of time until we all are running under the same (FMSCA)regulations.:'( :* :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( x( x( x( x( x( x(


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
As previously stated regulations do require any vehicle to log if you are running a placcard load of hazmat. So this would include a van if you were placarded. Placard load is the key word. But my question is can you leagally carry hazmat in a cargo van if the area of containment is not closed in, i.e., most vans are open from front to rear allowing exposure to the load. If anyone knows of the particulair regulation which prohibits it, I would appreciate knowing it. I have heard that is why Panther ceased hauling hazmat in vans, don't know if that is still the case or not.