>Could anyone with knowledge on the subject please explain
>how the load boards that carriers use operate. Why do some
>carriers get more per mile when there are 6 different trucks
>at the J all competing for same freight ? Is NLM freight
>always less and what is NLM anyhow ? Do all of the carriers
>see the same freight ? Kind of perplexis me when I'm talking
>to a competiter driver and they get a call for a run and I'm
>left in the dark. When it happens once you think oh well.
>Twice - kinda raises your eye brows a bit . 3rd time and its
>time to open the ole lap top and ask the experts on this
have you ever had a conversation with a fisherman,2nd liar never has a chance,now the same goes for truck drivers in the truck stops
the load boards show available freight,the prices on most are not there,you have to call in.
now you tallk to someone that tells you they took a load you might have called on,and brags what he is hauling it for,and this fee is probably without the broker fees taken out,or his company fees taken,mean while,your company has offered this same load to you with all the fees taken out
what was mentioned by davekc was exactly right about klm,but usually their rates are standard,they put load on internet,with price,your company calls,if their point structure is higher than the other companies bidding,you will get load,but it will be offered at the same price to all the companies