... Whether or not Joelubeguy has that transaction covered or not is not my problem, but his and now the IRS can use my tax records to find out if he is reporting that transaction as a norm. That is the real problem.
It's not your problem, other than the fact that if Joelube isn't reporting his business income appropriately, you are in fact helping to fund his share of the burden.
we get a 1099 misc in January,
So the gumment gets to know exactly what your carrier paid you, or if you had 10 carriers, what those 10 carriers paid you. Now they will know what JoeLube is getting too.
Is this not how this works:
-you get a 1099 for $100,000
-you have say $80,000 worth of claimable expenses or deductions including say $10,000 to JoeLube for repairs
-you pay taxes on $20,000 @ 23%, gumment gets $4600 from you and you get $15,400 after taxes
-JoeLube doesn't claim his revenue and he doesn't pay taxes
-not your problem, you go along your merry way, complaining that your taxes went up because somehow the gumment is short on what they have to pay for compared to what they collected
what the gumment is proposing:
-you get a 1099 for $100,000
-you have say $80,000 worth of claimable expenses or deductions including say $10,000 to JoeLube for repairs
-you pay taxes on $20,000 @ 23%, gumment gets $4600 from you and you get $15,400 after taxes
-JoeLube has been cookin his books for years because he could; gumment sees a pile of 1099s for JoeLube showing that he generates piles of revenue; there are omissions on JoeLube's tax return, compared to the 1099s; JoeLube gets audited; gumment collects what is owed from JoeLube
-your taxes stay the same because gumment is now collecting more of what they were supposed to get from biz's who should've been paying for years
-now perhaps some of your roads can be repaired or something
Well the Fair Tax is that, fair. Right now a lot of people, about 48% of them do not pay taxes. Among those 48%, there are a large percentage of them who actually make a living off of the tax system, meaning they get money back without paying into the system. The people who pay taxes 52% of them, pay a large percentage of taxes to some point that they are burdened with the responsibility of funding the country.
That's exactly what you're doing already, being an expediter who gets issued a 1099 from your carrier, stating what they paid you, while JoeLube makes it up as he goes, and he may very well be one of the 48% which you are funding even tho he may be bringing home more than you do
... The plan is set at 23% of all good and services purchased. There is an added feature to ensure that people below the poverty level don't get screwed by a rebate of sorts for everyone up to that level.....
That's great, but maybe JoeLube is self reportedly one of those poverty level individuals who will get the rebate, courtesy of you.
.... Interesting enough in this business, there is no taxes paid because the purchases made are business purchases,....
Can you imagine the number of new businesses that will sprout up, which will buy all kinds of business necessities, like perhaps trips to wherever, so they can check out potential new suppliers, view samples, attend conventions, or make failed sales presentations, which according to your statement above, won't be taxable? Everybody will have a business and more purchases will become business expenses. The gumment could end up with even less to repair your roads with.
What are you so afraid of with the gumment's new proposal, really? What I see is a population who just can't accept change, can't see past the noses on their own faces, and have a neurotic paranoia that the government is out to get them at every turn.