leg cramps


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
For some strange reason for the past few weeks, I have been getting leg cramps and my feet are swelling after just a few hours of driving.
Does anyone have a solution that I can try?
For the one who said "life begins at 40" well,I really owe him one.It has been a downhill slide ever since.x(


Seasoned Expediter
I agree with especially since it has just started to happen. Feet swelling is usually a warm weather problem. In the interium I would get some compression stockings. Wal Mart, Walgreens, CVS alll should have them. They do help me.


Veteran Expediter

I had the same problem.I have found that stopping every 3or4 hours and walking around helps.Also elevating my feet with a pillow while sleeping helps.Beware of sweet and salty foods.Good luck.


Staff member
I was also having the problems with the swelling but not the leg cramps. I cut out the sweets and started moving my legs more while driving and this totally stopped the swelling.


Veteran Expediter
All good ideas, and try to eat a banana every day, for the potassium. Then, when you've got the problem licked, let us know how it's going, ok? :)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You also need to wear something comfortable. Avoid boor fitting garments with elastic bands that can restrict the blood flow.

I always switch from Jeans to loose sweat pants for those long runs.


Expert Expediter
>For some strange reason for the past few weeks, I have been
>getting leg cramps and my feet are swelling after just a few
>hours of driving.
>Does anyone have a solution that I can try?
>For the one who said "life begins at 40" well,I really owe
>him one.It has been a downhill slide ever since.x(

It is funny to see this topic on here since I was just talking to my doctor about this same problem over the Thanksgiving holiday. She told me that when you sit for long periods of time, the blood has a hard time circulating. She suggested I try using the support hose that come up over the knees or to wear panty hose while driving. She claims this helps keep the ankles and feet from swelling and forces the blood back up. Of course, I would also ask your doctor to run some tests to make sure it is not directly related to something more serious.
I also agree with wearing loose clothing while driving. I usually wear sweats - just make sure they do not have elastic at the ankles.;) ;)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Thanks so much,I will check with the doctor when we come home for the holidays.
I am no wearing the Nikes while driving,so maybe that will help...and will try stopping a bit more often to get out and stretch my legs.


Veteran Expediter
I try to walk as much as possible. When I stop at a rest area during the day I will park at one end of the lot thus forcing me to walk the furthest distance. At truck stops I will walk the perimeter during the day. Enclosed shopping malls offer the walker protection from the weather and are often open prior to the stores opening. Its one way to burn some calories and exercise the legs.


Staff member
I wish we could get into Mall but more and more of them do not what straight trucks!


Veteran Expediter
A couple laps around the perimeter of WallyWorld always makes me feel good - especially if I don't spend any money doing it...:+


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Have you changed anything on your seat lately? I had that happen, and have known of others, where the problem was the seat. If you have an adjustable seat, and the front edge is too high, it can put pressure along the bottom of your thighs. This can restrict blood flow, causing swelling, numbness, and cramps as you discribed.

I always liked the front a little higher, but I was told to try a more level seat , and it helped.

Forums Administrator


"If you don't have the time to do something right,
where are you going to find the time to fix it?"

-Stephen King



Expert Expediter
I dont know if this will help but I read somthing about diabetes, which said swelling of the ankles was one of the symptoms. Could have read it wrong, but just thought I'd pass it along


Veteran Expediter
sounds like potassium is low,eat a bannana a day will stop the leg cramps,and drink more water,lots of water,and I dont mean in the coffee or tea
also have your blood checked,the swelling could be from dibetes,or to much salt in your diet