Greg,I've never logged on to never once,and that's the truth.I get no emails from the DRC,and would not open one if I got one.
I read a variety of newsapapers and magazines,and well as The Congressional Record on line every week. I know exactly who's showeing up and who's wasting time,and your money and mine.It's pretty evenly split between both parties. Check it out,it's enlightning.
Boy,it's OK for you guys to continue to bash Hillary and Bill,it's a favorite tune of yours. But how dare I bring up the good old days and I get 2 inch Red letters. Guess I won't do that again.
Whew…. I thought you were one of them parrots that repeat everything they hear…. Like the girl I met this morning who had the peace signs and the Obama Messiah stickers all over her car, calling her kid Hussein and even have a Obama for God tee shirt (I sh*t you not). She looked like took everything to heart which is sad that she has no life what so ever and I paid her bill and wrote her a note –
Thanks for your support for Obama, Lenin will be so proud of you. Keep fighting the good fight, we will win in the end, we will change this horrible country for the proletariat.
Pass the word along Comrade, get people to vote for Obama, Lenin will be proud.
Yours truly,
Well Tallcal, what you are doing is only a part of what everyone should be doing but they ain’t because they don’t care. It seems that there are some fights between right/left – good/bad that always go on and people generally ignore it. Like in Michigan when we need real reforms, we need to oust this b*tch of a governor and we need to go to a part time legislation system like Nebraska’s, we are talking about reforms that are literally removing one party in the state and allowing another to run everything without checks and balances.
As for Bill’s time in office, well there has to be something said about it – it was not all that bad but a lot of it had nothing to do with him. Hillary on the other hand, I would have voted for her if she was the nominee, but Obama is too much of a Marxist for me to consider him. He reminds me of people I used to know who came over here from the Soviet Union, sure they were grateful to be here but they never got rid of that idea of Marxism.
AS for the big red letters, no apologies - I had to learn how the budget and the system works, it was through the GAO that these classes were offered, so I had no choice. What some think is an easy thing to grasp, forces many to give up trying. The budget projections were on track but stopped in 2000. The sad thing is that no one bothered to write the truth about what the projections meant and how they really impacted the budget.
And I did warn you what you would be getting the second term,and you can't deny it.I can only think your so stuborn reason went out the window,or you really believed in Bush,which is even more scary!. Sucks to be you I guess,nothing personal of course so don't get your blood preasure up or your undies bunched.
I would really like to show up at the EXPO this year,and thats no cr*p.If I can arrange for a company paid trip to the vicinity for legit moving business I might do it. If you can guarrentee Leo won't irrigate me I'm gonna try.
What I got in the second term was? The dems promised in the first 100 hours/days to do what? They didn’t get us out of the war, they didn’t impeach Bush, they didn’t raise taxes on the rich, they didn’t do much of anything and surprisingly since they have done less than the ’92 congress which passed two pieces of rather important legislation - a requirement that all agencies examine so-called unfunded mandates and a measure applying federal workplace laws to Congress.
What I did find in the second term is something new, they claimed to be a more ethical congress but they failed to investigate Reid for some underhanded realestate deals or anyone else for that matter. Are they actually doing anything?
As I said Tallcal, you want to impeach Bush, fine do it for a valid reason.
Opps there is one of them – not shutting down the borders and not defending them. I will be happy to drive to Washington to help you impeach him and anyone else who wants to give amnesty to people who have invaded our country and who want to keep the border open. But again that is….well…. congress buddy, including the dems.
You can’t have it both ways with these guys, if you want the Messiah in office because he represents new beginnings, then you have to have the same old congress who wants to destroy the country at the same time. Obama supports open borders which allows slavery to enter into this picture and if you want him in the position to set the tone for this country, than we will have a country just like England with the thought police judging us on what we can say or not say based entirely on the color of our skin. But again it sets the stage for real totalitarianism to rear it’s head into our political system.