Just a thought, when I sold my business I stayed in charge of all recievables thus I was in charge. When he failed to live up to his end of the agreement, (did not renew existing accounts or look for any new accounts). I called a meeting and pulled the plug, since I had almost enough in his reserves to cover our agreement I ended it there and took 80% of what was owed to me before he went completely belly up.
Lots of crying from his wife, but too bad. Not being unsymptahic. But they went out and bought new cars, furniture etc.. Against my advice but when the $ was first rolling in it was big than it kept dwindling down. See a trend developing here, you do not stay in control of the $ flow your way more likely to get burned. I regreat not getting all of my $ but most is better than none. P.S. get a lawyer it would have been easier for my lawyer to demand payment than me. Even though there was not enough to cover his expenses and pay my loan back.