Man, I would really hate to sit around a campfire with some in here. Conversations ebb and flow. That is how it is in person and in chat. That is how life is. Sorry for being human.
You know, a long time ago, when I was married, and active with my church, the men of the church had a men's retreat one weekend to learn how to be better husbands.It was during the afternoon, the lesson turned on how to be more attentive to our wive's needs in the bedroom, as well.It was a tense and touchy moment, awkward was an understatement.The air was thick.Everyone was squirming in their seats.Then it happened.One of the elders of the church,A gray haired and very distinguished man did the unthinkable.
He ripped a fart.A loud one.
Sometimes we need the distractions to give us a breath of fresh air and return to the subject at hand,refreshed.A laugh is not a bad thing at all,sometimes some of us need to learn to do this more often.