For me I prefer to purchase directly from the manufactures like
Gateway, Dell, Win-Book, and make sure you get the extended warrenty with any electronic item you purchase.
I have found by purchasing directly that if you have any problem with the laptop and a part has to be replaced they will send you the replacement or you can go to one of the stores that they have in an area that you are passing through if the part is in stock, or if you know anything about computers it is very easy to replace the part yourself with a piece of velcro wrapped around your wrists for static protection.
I have a Gateway at home they have support 24/7, they have replaced the monitor once, video card, speakers which I installed and they send you a prepaid sticker for returning the defective item,
with the National chains, I dont trust them especially Best
Buy, they tell you one thing then do another, reason why,
I had a friend who bought a computer at Best Buy and had trouble from day one, he purchased a extended warrenty and they did n0t honor it, it had to be sent back tpo the manufactor for repair, which he did, it came back and when he checked it, it had a smaller hard drive, smaller modem, some one at best buy switched it, and he proved it because he had taken the label off the orginal carton and keep it just in case, oh it was repacked in the orginal carton to go back to the Mfg, but he kept the labeling anyway. They do not have a repair shop in any of the stores they contract it out to a contractor repair shop, weather it be authorized factory I do not know.
Sorry about the spelling but I had stitchedin a finger that I almost took off and it is difficult typing