Lame Duck Is Healed...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Quite a week for Obama & his "agenda". Four(4) major pieces of legislation were passed, with the help of several Republicans. Wouldn't it be great if we could move forward, with this kind of co-operation, into the next Congress?

So, does this boost Obama's "capital", within the Congress? Or will the "rogue" R's revert to the no-no-no stance?


Veteran Expediter
I think the new congress won't be so easy.

There seems to be already an issue with the old republican guard telling the new people shut up and do what you are told but that may be a problem for the old guard who will not be able to control the new people.

Essentially the present congress has flipped off the American Voter on both sides of the aisle and this may come back and haunt the republicans in 2012.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hopefully when NO is called for NO!!! is what they'll get, like they should have gotten on the START giveaway. It doesn't really matter. We're over the slope and the den of FOOLS are spraying lubricant in the path to make our slide into oblivion more rapid.


Veteran Expediter
What giveaway?

DO you understand what the New Start treaty is about?

It was about giving some old guard repubs money to spend on new nuke technology to get their votes. Same old crap going on as always.


Veteran Expediter
Copdsux wrote:

So, does this boost Obama's "capital", within the Congress? Or will the "rogue" R's revert to the no-no-no stance?

Personally I am hoping for total "gridlock"...where nothing gets done at all...not even a budget, that they have failed to pass for the last yr....The less either of them can get done, the better off the country would be....