Ladies I need your help


Veteran Expediter
I need some advice. In December my wife and I will have been married for three years. I know that doesn't seem like much for some, but we have been through a lot in the past 3 year. More than I have space to get into here. It seems that almost everything that could have happened has happened. Anyway...

I'm trying to think of something good to do for her. I'm at a loose though. Remember we are both in college so going on a cruise or spectacular like that is out of the question for the next 4 or 5 years. I'm trying to think of something that will take her breathe away on a budget. I don't know if you've ever heard the say "champagne taste on a beer budget" we are kinda like "Coca-Cola taste on a Sam Choice (Wal-Mart store brand) budget. Not trying to complain, but I think everyone here has been in college and/or put children through college. Tuition and books aren't cheap, and once you get through paying for one semester you have next semester to think about.

Thanks in advance.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm not one of the ladies but how about if you arrange with one of your friends or family to use their kitchen to cook dinner for her. Make her whatever her favorite is. Give her 3 of whatever her favorite flower is and a home cooked meal that you cooked for her.


OVM Project Manager
And don't forget a romantic walk through the prettiest park or sandy beach that you have near you...and hold her hand. A soft little nuzzle on the neck would probably make you pretty popular too.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
Dinner out, maybe a movie and a nice motel with a jacuzi. Oh yeah and flowers, don't forget the flowers! and a card, your s.o.l. if you forget a card.


Veteran Expediter
Not always sol without the card ;) But Ark needs a "WOW" on a limited budget.......Hey Ark? How bout a easy a sunset?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"I'm trying to think of something that will take her breathe away on a budget."

Do the dishes, the laundry, clean house, when she's not expecting it. Just kidding, but that actually works.

Either cook or get some good takeout, set it up all romantic with candles,. Either right after dinner, or while she's waiting for you to get everything all set up, hand her a piece of paper that contains a list of everything you love about her. Everything, from how she says and does things to that cute little gap between her two front teeth, whatever. Even the most insignificant thing can mean the world.

That list will not only take her breath away, but it'll get you lucky every time she reads it. For decades. :)


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member

As Leo said, I'm not one of the gals, but I can tell you what has worked for me in those 'low money years'.

Take her to a special place that has meaning for the two of you.. perhaps where you met, where your first date was, a park you went to, etc. (For example, for us it's a lake side park and trail we walked as teens on a date 25 years ago)Perhaps pack a picnic lunch with her fav's. Bring along some music, flowers, etc.. make it special and all about her. If you can write... write her a poem, or just a letter... express what the past few years with her has meant to you... point out some key moments and memories. Show you remember stuff she did and said 3 years ago that made you want her.

With my wife, and I assume at least SOME other women, it's not always about the monetary cost. Oh there must be COST, make no mistake... but the cost is in your time and effort, the fact that you wanted to make the day special, and that you remembered those special details.

Just remember, when those GOOD years come, and they will... a lil bling never hurts! ;)



Veteran Expediter
Those are all such good suggestions. What kind of woman wouldn't be happy if her husband wrote her a love note, or the list that was mentioned. Making something for dinner, just being romantic in general.


Veteran Expediter
Man, a lotta guys answering!
I don't know what more to add to the above, but one suggestion to go along with whatever you decide to do..
Make it just about her, and not publicly, for her to feel good about you, not about how others will think you're mr. goodbar for doing what you did.
Oh, and another thought, as long as you're not a tree-hugger.. carve your names in a heart on a tree.. where you can go and visit it in a few years.. and bring back the memories.
I agree too that the card is important.. she might keep it forever.. make sure it says the right stuff, and not some hee-haw crap (hehe)
If you can't afford to buy a beautiful bouquet.. go pick one and put in a nice vase you already have.
I really like the cleaning/laundry/whatever needs done idea of Turtle's too.. that's a huge stress reliever to set the mood for your fabulous dinner.. pvt msg me if you're in need of some recipes :)
Man, there's sure a lot you can do with not much money, huh?


Seasoned Expediter
Instead of buying a card, why not make one? My hubby did that for me years ago and I still have it. He can't draw or write a poem to save his life but it's the best card that I've ever gotten. It meant (and still does) the world to me.
You could also give her a romantic bubble bath. Put candles all around the tub & bathroom & use some great smelling bubble bath. Use some of those scented candles too.


Veteran Expediter
pjjjjj I would love some recipes. I have none. My mother and grandmothers cook off of memory and that's how I was taught to cook. You know throw in a little of this, little of that, and a lot of that stuff over there. lol :) Maybe if you could send a few I could look through them and find that perfect something. She isn't real big on Mexican. She likes soul food. Which I got that under control. She doesn't like pig's feet though. If I'm gonna eat hawg's knuckles I got to with her grandmaw. She loves steak. Maybe a nice premimum cut of beef marinated just right and cooked on the grill. I could make a side salad. What are some other good sides? I know a baked potatoe would be good. Any good dessert recipes? She would be floored to see a dessert come out of the oven.

We went to Red Lobster on our honeymoon. For a couple of kids from the country we were up town. I was working as a truck driver and she was a secretary and college student. Our honeymoon consisted of Red Lobster paid for by a 50 a guy from work slipped me. He was a salesman and I delivered product to his customers. Then we stayed in room 521 in the Clarion motel right by Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs,AR c/o my dad's rewards points from his motel stays through the year. Then we toured bath houses on Sunday morning, ate lunch in Hit Springs, went home, swapped bags, got in my "road truck and trailer" and left for Las Cruces,NM because I had a load of chemical to pick up on Tuesday morning. That's right part of our honeymoon was spent in the truck. Everyone could tell we were newlyweds because we were asking other drivers to take pictures of us together and stuff. Anyway. Enough about us.


Veteran Expediter
Joe: this is something that's cheap, fun, and memorable: get a bucket of pastel chalks, and write msgs (Happy Anniversary To The Best Wife On Earth! kinda stuff) on the sidewalk in front of your house. Make the colors as bright as you can, cause you want the neighbors to see it, too, lol. ;) If you can't carve your initials in a tree, as Pjjjjj suggested, you could still draw it. You might have to arrange for her to be gone while you do the artwork, but I promise she'll love it. And don't forget to get pictures!
You're only limited by your imagination. (And sidewalk space)
PS Also pray it doesn't rain. :D


Veteran Expediter
Hey, Ark. You might try what I have thought of many times. Get a photo of her family and tell her "This is what I have rescued you from". That might make her grateful to you, or really Pi$$ her off.


Veteran Expediter
You are supposed to be my Yoda. You are slippin man. I thought you were going to give me something good. One thing my barber always told us boys growing up was "Boys, when you get married and your wife walks in the house and doesn't say anything you better not say a d@mn word cuz shes pi$$ed. Don't even say hey baby or how was you day cuz she will light into your a$$". Yeah, Mr. John has some colorful speech but it was words of wisdom spoken from a true Jedi Master of Marriage. He got his wife to stick with him through a lot of stuff. So he must know what he's talking about. I don't know why I'm so hung up on Star Wars tonight. I haven't watched that movie in forever. I think it's bed time.