Keeping an open eye on the road!!!


Staff member
We split our shift in the middle of the night so we can both sleep a little while it is dark and not so much going on with the QualComm. Just wondering what everyone does to keep them selves alert? I know that Bob listens to the comedy channel and the oldies on XM. He has several channels he switches between. I listen to the hardest rock I can find and then also something you can sing to with a good beat. Also try to keep the truck cool. The really bad thing we do is snack to also help keep us awake. We also have friends that drive at night and we chit chat back and forth. If we get to tired we pull over and get a cat nap and that helps a lot. How does everyone else handle this very common situation with expediters?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I only take loads that are all day or else run only 1/2 the night. I'll take them if they are afternoon till midnight-1 or I'll take one if it's sleep some and get up around 3-4 to start the day. I don't do the ones that are dinnertime till breakfast. I also like the old time radio channel and some of the talk channels on satellite radio.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
I like to listen to audiobooks, [have to remember not to get so into the story that you forget to watch for your exit, though, like one idiot I know did - missed it by 45 miles, lol]
When I feel a bit sleepy, I put on music I can dance to, like early Beatles, & I try to get all the muscles moving - not all at the same time, or even coordinated, actually, but it does wake me up!
Finally, stop for coffee at every Pilot you see - if the coffee doesn't do it, the bathroom breaks will...;)


Not a Member
The toughest time for driving is right before sunrise. Even if either of us have had our break and start driving shortly before sunrise, for some reason, we both feel like we never went to bed until that sun finally shines. Mike usually listens to talk radio or the comedy station and I prefer country or rock. Drinking water seems to help also and while I've never been a huge fan of water, I have found that when I do start getting sleepy, if I drink a bottle of water, my energy level picks up quite a bit. It also has less calories!!

Mike and Cyn


Veteran Expediter
Believe it or not the best thing that wakes me up is a mint, but the ones that just about bring a tear to your eye. don't know why but try it it works,and the people you talk to later in the morning will thank you.


Seasoned Expediter
I carry cut up lemons and put them into water and when I start to get sleepy, I eat the lemon. The sourness just wakes you up. I also like mints too, but did you know if you rub a little bit of peppermint oil under your nose it will increase youa alertness. Try it. Then when all else fails, I do math problems in my head.

It's crazy the things we do to keep awake but whatever helps and keeps us safe, we will do it.

Be safe.


Veteran Expediter
>I carry cut up lemons and put them into water and when I
>start to get sleepy, I eat the lemon. The sourness just
>wakes you up.

You do know that Lemons and Lemon juice is a laxetive?


Seasoned Expediter
I chew gum and dance in my seat
Good thing I'm short, makes it easier to reach the wheel! lol:+


Seasoned Expediter
I drive at night and can you believe that any little noise wakes my husband right up so I had to learn to drive all night long with-out any radio or CB! Even when I slow down the truck at weigh stations the curtain will rip open with my huband poking his head through to see what's the matter! Drives me crazy! My sleepy times seem to be around 2-4am. This is usually when I will pull into the rest area to use the bathroom....yes he wakes up then too! So the fresh air and the walk wakes me up. And I too have noticed that anything sour seems to make me more alert. Ive tried to cut down on the munching while driving but I am an addicted to sunflower seeds!


Staff member
We use a wireless headset at night so we can listen to XM or a little portable CD player. Sure helps when you are getting a little drowsy and you can turn to a good Rock station and turn up the volume a little. We are still fighting not waking up everytime the truck pulls into a weigh station or stops for a break. We have learned to just stay in bed and try to stay relaxed though. I keep hoping one of these days we will win the fight of being able to sleep through stops. My sleepy time is about an hour after the sun comes up in the morning.


Veteran Expediter

You would think that one of the bunk manufactors would come up with a sound proof sleeping area.Maybe put in a regular door instead of the curtain?


Veteran Expediter
Now that I'm solo again, I've found a few different things that get me thru the night. A small nap usually refreshes me. A stop on an entrance ramp for a stretch(because the rest areas are always clogged). The radio helps immensely. And, being that I smoke, I end up smoking more.

I'm surprised that I'm able to go longer as a solo than I was as a team. Might be the fact that I'm forced to not concider the other guy taking over, which the thought itself can make me sleepy.


Veteran Expediter
T Hawk: I've found the same thing, that I "can" drive much further as a solo, than I thought I could as half of a team, but the reason is that we can do anything, if we think we HAVE to! It's all in the perception: if you have to do it, you generally will.
Now, if I could just convince myself that I HAVE to lose a few pounds, or quit smoking...:p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>Now, if I could just convince myself that I HAVE to lose a
>few pounds, or quit smoking...:p

Since I had the opportunity to meet you at the expo I feel qualified to comment that you only need to do one of those two things. So go get an eye exam and quit smoking, not necessarily in that order. :+

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Awww, thanks, Leo. And, having had the opportunity to meet Leo at the Expo, I feel qualified to state that he is just as sweet as he is smart, and he's kinda cute, too. And, luckily, he's not where he can throw things at my head for saying so! :+


Expert Expediter
>I drive at night and can you believe that any little noise
>wakes my husband right up so I had to learn to drive all
>night long with-out any radio or CB! Even when I slow down
>the truck at weigh stations the curtain will rip open with
>my huband poking his head through to see what's the matter!
>Drives me crazy! My sleepy times seem to be around 2-4am.
>This is usually when I will pull into the rest area to use
>the bathroom....yes he wakes up then too! So the fresh air
>and the walk wakes me up. And I too have noticed that
>anything sour seems to make me more alert. Ive tried to cut
>down on the munching while driving but I am an addicted to
>sunflower seeds!

:D I think our hubby's are related!!!! Mine does the same thing when he feels the truck slowing down. I just tell him, if I need him, I will yell for him. The one thing I won't do is run with out my radio, I need music :) but I do keep it low. The CB just annoys me so I keep that very low.
Doesn't your husband yell about you stopping in the rest areas? The first time I stopped at a rest area, my husband was not very happy x( and he did not hesitate to let me know. I only stop at fuel stops now. I must admit, I was nervous using the rest area during the night!
I usually get tired between 2 and 4 so I just stop for bathroom break
and to freshen up my coffee. Then I am good until the sun comes up, that is when I get very tired but by then, it is usually the hubby's turn to drive.


Expert Expediter
Hi Drivers
Driving a tractor-trailer for 32 years solo.
My wife and I decided to buy a straight truck and team.
I show her how to drive a truck, she took the driving and knowledge test and did excellent.
I was like the other drivers when my wife was driving.
The jump,shout, and make her very nervous type.
One day I jumped for the last time.
My wife pulled the truck off at the first exit, stop the engine, handed me the keys and said.
You showed me how to drive this truck, I drive this truck like you showed me how and you think I can't drive.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I QUIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She jump out of the truck, slamp the door ( hoo good hingers )
Being the quick think, I start the truck, picked her up.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Apologized !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went straight to walmart,bought ear plugs.
now when my wife drives, I close the curtains, insert ear plugs ,strap myself in the bed and go to sleep.
Knowing I have the best co-driver at the wheel.(My Wife)
That was 2 years a good, so drivers let your co-driver do their job.
Sleep well.


Veteran Expediter
You brought up a very important point: if you don't trust that your partner will do their best to take care of you, then you're missing out on the best part of a good relationship. Not to mention a lot of sleep, too, lol. Trust is an essential part of any good relationship, business or personal, IMO.