Just Mechanical Information


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Would it be possilbe to have a Forum of only mechanical (truck) related information? Over the past many months people such as Weave have provided really great information about trucks and their internal parts. If we could have a site that a person could go to and just click on a topic to get past information and make comments or update the topic.

For example, Weave just did a bit on auto shift transmissions as well as having made comments about the Spicer 7 speed. We could also have information posted about the various engines; swing doors vs. roll up;
keeping warm in winter; rotating tires, etc.

We could have an alphabetical list of various topics:

Air Conditioning
Diesel Engines

and a person could click on the topic to search for information. This information could be transfered from one of the regular forums to the list after 30 days or whatever so that we could have discussions on the forum before the info is saved. If new information is added to the topic, it could be entered at one of the forums and then transferd later.

What do you think??


Staff member

Great idea! We have discussed more focused forums on and off over the years but always wondered how the forum members would feel about it.

We would like to hear everyones ideas and suggestions.

Expediters Online.com


Everybody is someone else's weirdo.



Expert Expediter
I think it would be a great idea...It would make really easy for someone to do a little research on something...Great idea


Expert Expediter
Great idea! There are so many things to discuss:

Axles, Cabs, Chassis's, Boxes, Lift Gates, Door Preferences, Sleepers, Engines, Trannys, Rear Ends, Tires, Lubricants, Electrical, Brakes, oh well, you'all get the picture.

The sooner it is up and running, the better!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I certainly agree!

We don't have to reinvent the wheel here either. Many older archived messages already address many of these subjects. It would seem an easy project to move them all to the "mechanical forum", thus providing a base to build on.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Larry,
This post is a very interesting one, and the timing couldn't be better.

Just last week Lawrence McCord (LM) Whom I just discovered a new handle for. DO YA WANT TO HERE IT???? MORE WILL BE REVEALED!!!!!!
Just last week LM and I were emailing back and forth about the new look of EO and this very subject came up.

The first reply to your post was LM's and he ask for help and feedback from all the members of EO, about adding this TOPIC. Eo has 1002 active members and only 4 members gave some input. Less than 0.4% Not a very good percentage. I know there are more members than 4 that want something like this, and I know there is a member or 2 that could care less. AND I REALLY KNOW! that there has to be a member or 2 or 4 or 10 that disagrees completely, because we drive trucks/vans and we all know that NO 2 truckers can agree on anything. This should end up being the longest thread in the history of EO. Can we make that happen???????? This is your turn to help make EO a better info site for us all!!!!!!!!!

LM told me that he would love to have that topic added into the forum if it would help the drivers and/or members and guests of EO. He isn't going to know unless we tell him!!!!!! Remember! This is our site and all of our voices count.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

I posted this on Monday of this week. My suspicion is that there would be more response over the weekend and during the holidays when a lot more drivers have a chance to sit behind the computer.

We will see what happens.

Thanks, Larry


Staff member
Thanks for everyone's input so far. I would also like to suggest, if Weave is up to it - that he be the Moderator for Mech Tech forum. He has answered so many of our questions in the past I think he would do great in a dedicated forum!

And the Forum said...:7

Expediters Online.com


Everybody is someone else's weirdo.


Expediters Online.com


Everybody is someone else's weirdo.
