Just a reminder ..... number five


Veteran Expediter
John Kerry to students at Pasadena City College 10/30/06

"You know, education...if you make the most of it...you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well...if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

What this means to me is that if you don’t go to college, get a degree and be smart – you are a dummy and will end up in the military where you deserve to be. How much more can this guy insult everyone who was, is and died in the military?

So is it like this -

Stupid, insulting remarks and hate the military => John Kerry

John Kerry => Democrat

Democrat => people who support other people who make stupid, insulting remarks and hate the military

Bad people => democrats?

OH yea, he refuses to appoligize for his comments. I say we need to start to boycott Boston and the rest of his state.

Remember friends don't friends vote democrat because of John Kerry.


Veteran Expediter
Every single time w opens his pie hole he spews forth a froth of ignorant,self serving c###.He was a silver spooned draft dodger who never saw a day of real service.
Kerry served his country and put his foot in his mouth and has apolgized.More then we can say for the moron who WILL be impached
"Turn out the lights,the party's over,they say that all good things must pass"..........


Veteran Expediter
>Every single time w opens his pie hole he spews forth a
>froth of ignorant,self serving c###.He was a silver spooned
>draft dodger who never saw a day of real service.
>Kerry served his country and put his foot in his mouth and
>has apolgized.More then we can say for the moron who WILL be
>"Turn out the lights,the party's over,they say that all good
>things must pass"..........

Now Now tallcal, the truth is it don't matter that he served his country (yea what a joke that was) or bush went to the national guard what matters is the lack of compassion that Kerry has shown to the military and the people who voluteer to defend the country since he got out of the miltary. From the early 70's to date, there is not a thing that he has stood for - absolutely no integrity.

Even Levin has been more supportive of the miltary by far but is still an idiot - he said today that we need to pull out our troops and let the vaccuum take care of itself and he knows what is really going on over there.

Honestly I hold many of the vietnam era vets that are in office (McCain, Murtha, Kerry and a bunch others) in contempt for their actions, comments and attitude toward the entire subject of the Iraq war and the people who are over there. But that does not mean that the other Vietnam vets have this attitude and are represented by these idiots.

As for Kerry, he represents the democrats, the true democrats - the true cut and run democrats. And if you want to talk about silver spoon idiots, he is the poster child of the silver spoon, country club, bigoted elitist politician who holds the hard working people of this country in contempt,pass laws that help their freinds and take rights away to suppress people.

Got to tell you, I don't expect the dems to get the majority this election, I may be wrong but something tells me with the high return of absenty ballots and the very negitive ads from the dems, there just may be a chance that they will not get anywhere. I hope they don't.

Also Impeached, Sorry the dems know that they will yell and scream about it but if they go after the president, there will be such a backlash from the undecided voters that it will not be pretty in 2008.

Beside what did he do to deserve to get impeached? With the republicans falling away from the core and becoming more independent, as in the house going against the president on the invaders issue, there would already be investigations if there was ANY SERIOUS EVIDENCE to prove he actually commited a crime. So to the people who have this fanitsy of impeacement, wake up - it ain't going to happen.

Oh by the way I heard today of Bush waving to some kids on a bus as he passed by and the bus driver flipped him off. She was fired which was the right thing to do.

Sorry for the misspelled words,


Veteran Expediter
Tcall He only apologized after his OWN PARTY Turned on him. He even said after the comment when Bush rightly did so critized him and told him one was due. But OH no he refused until his party wrote him off. I listened to his comments on refusing to apologize he was arrogant in his response and believed his party was gona back him up.

And to think this is the man you wanted as our president. You sir are the only one on that side of the fence, and you sir continue nothing but hatred, and this sir is what is wrong with you and your parties beliefes. No solutions to anything just HATE towards what you concieve as your enemy. I would really appriciate to have a reason to vote Republicans out but this party does not offer me that opportunity.

Pie hole does that mean Azz hole in your opinion or mouth? See what I mean, hatred no positive influence just hate and this is what I believe is wrong with this country.


Veteran Expediter
Lets see broom,whats the score:
Osama: 3000 dead Americans,activly recruiting new jihadists,using any recruiting means he can,including Presidents of large nations who were told not to create new terrorists by stiring up a hornets nest.

Bush.Almost 3000 Americans dead(he may win out yet).Has created 10 times more terroistis then before,and has created a complete and total disaster that amounts to treason(starting a war on lies and trumpted up lame reasons).Continues to ignor those in his own party who have been trying to tell him he destroying the delicate fabric that holds our nation together,thus creating a nation torn in two.

Kerry:put his foot in his mouth,listened to his party(un like Bush)and did the right thing(unlike Bush).
It's not about hating Broom,I never said I hate anybody.You put that word in mouth a few to many times.It's about our nation going to hell in a hand basket.Please review my posts from last Febuary when I predicted exactly what was going to happen.I'm by no means a bright guy Broom,I just read and keep up with things.And I don't hate anyone.


Veteran Expediter
REALLY and you use words to describe him as moron, and his "pie hole" does one need to continue for you to get your point accross. Or do you Love all people this way since you hate NO ONE. Very apparant to readers here on your description of W how you really feel and LOVE just aint there.

CALL IT AS I SEE IT and I aint blind or stupid. You sir once again have a true hatred for this man and the party.

My feelings on the War probably not in sink with many here. I wish we never got into this and I more wish that the Towers were still standing. I feel safer that the War is over there than here. The only way out of this War that I can see is Political means, not thru fighting any longer. Do these people even want peace? I do not think so, and we have and always will be the scape goat to there reasons even if we were not there, now they feel they have another enemey us to fight. This is a no win situation, W screwed up by not listening to others. We all make mistakes, Vietnam? Korea? Dividing this country, creating hatred, this is how you handle situations? Impeaching him yeah thats gona show our enemy what? That they can run our country thats certinaly the right move.


Veteran Expediter
He He He....

Ok Tallcal, you speak the party line. You speak of things that are not true but many MANY people want everyone to believe.

You said; "Osama: 3000 dead Americans,activly recruiting new jihadists,using any recruiting means he can,including Presidents of large nations who were told not to create new terrorists by stiring up a hornets nest.

Bush.Almost 3000 Americans dead(he may win out yet).Has created 10 times more terroistis then before,and has created a complete and total disaster that amounts to treason(starting a war on lies and trumpted up lame reasons).Continues to ignor those in his own party who have been trying to tell him he destroying the delicate fabric that holds our nation together,thus creating a nation torn in two."

First thing is I want you to go over to Morraco and tell me where the the United States is causing the all time high in recruiting of terrorist?

Then I want you to go to the Sudan and somolia and tell me where the United States is causing the all time high in recruiting of terrorist?

Then I want you to explain in somewhat intellegent fashion how the president has committed treason?


explain to me why people like Carter and Chaves, Fox are helping terrorist and what is up with no one calling Carter a traitor?

See everything you said is a repeat of the dems and their talking points. Every time you repeat their talking points you are put into the same category that they are in - they hate bush, they will lie, cheat and steal to get him out of office. I know that you are far more intellgent than they are, why repeat the party line?

They are to blame for recruting of terrorist, not bush. he made mistakes but Iraq is not falling apart as the media has been portraying it as. Yes there are a lot of terrorist ativities but until the people of Iraq see a clear path to the end of us being there and they understand that we can't fight forever for them, it won't change.

Back to who to blame, I say blame carter. that idiot caused this entire mess and he should be treated as the traitor he really is.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cal, please, you are more intelligent than that. You know Kerry didn't apologize and didn't misspeak originally. He said exactly what he intended. It was evident at the time. He later vehemently refused to apologize until forced to do so. When he finally did it was half hearted and insincere and obviously done under duress and not of his own volition. We disagree often but I know you are intelligent enough and observant enough to know better than your defense of Kerry in this thread.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Gentlemen,I'm pretty upset by the goings on these days.I guess it is futile to argue a point that is so clearly obvious to 60% of the Amrican citizens,of all pursuations,but not to all.
A couple of simple points that are not new to my rantings,a few points defended,if you don't mind.

Point 1)If history tells us anything,paticularly the history of the past 50 years,it's that America is so good at so many things,and so poor at just a few things.
One of the things that we seem poor at is trying,for the right reasons,to bring our way of life,our unique and wonderful brand of social and political tolrorance,to other parts of the world,sometimes without out being asked to do so.It seems evident that we never seem to learn our lesson,from "The Domino Effect",to the current situation we find ouselves in.

Point2)Another aspect of this same theme is when those trying to export our way of life,again for the right reasons,just don't get it, and the rest of the world does get it.My point here is phrase's like"stay the course",or "cut and run",in the face of clear and overwhleming odds against success,show a lack of intellegence,which gives some the idea we are a leaderles nation.It is also known as being isolated,not unlike a mushroom,and feeding off the same food sourece,in this case, being provideed by politicians and not military men.For those military men who don't speak in lock step,they are dismissed ,or asked to retire.

Point 3)For those who actually believe the rhetoric that "fighting the enemy over there is better then fighting them here",well,I just pity them,and they will be part of the minority who choose to buy in 100% to the mushroom syndrome of this time.For those individuals,I truly feel sorry,as they have been duped into a kind of brain washing that we have not seen in many years.

Point 4)Regarding hate,and my terminolgy for certain politicians and persons subjecting our nation to the daily dose of death and destruction on our media(I know,the liberal press,come on) of not only our brave military men and women,but countless innocent children,civilians,who are being murdered everyday as a result of our actually creating a civil war that did not exist before,I'm sorry if I offended you.I just have no kind words for murdering,lieing men who are trying to sell a policy that is so failed as to be an embarresmnet to the entire free world.
If he represents you ,and your feelings,and aspirations,and if you really think we are safer for all this death and destruction,against a country that had nothing to do with 911,then so be it.I feel your pain,as he was your man,and you must defend him so you feel good about yourself,and your choice to have voted for him.It's your cross to bare,not mine,so please allow me the right to speak as I wish,just as you do about Kerry,and Clinton and all your arch enemies.

Point5)Nothing will really change Tuesday,even if the Senate and the House change.W holds the veto pen,and I'm sure he will use it.I would hope that some common sence comes into play,it seem eons sonce that has been part of the discussion in Wahington.But all this talk of San Francisco,and our immoral life style seems a little despareate,I mean really folks,it's Conde Nests first choice as a vacation spot.It's the number 1 tourist spot in the world for Gods sake.Nancy has earned her stripes just like evry other politician,including the Republican sex offenders,and the Jack Abrimhoff gang.
So lets lighten up a little.No more bad words from me about W,OK Broom?I really don't Hate W,I don't know him.But I get caught up.I really did see this whole thing coming,and really did write about it on this forum 8 months ago,and really was told I was out of line with the mainstram of America,and that it would all be ok.I beg to differ,as I always have on this forum
Talk to you all after the 7th.
Be safe


Veteran Expediter
Gentlemen,I'm pretty upset by the goings on these days.I guess it is futile to argue a point that is so clearly obvious to 60% of the Amrican citizens,of all pursuations,but not to all.
A couple of simple points that are not new to my rantings,a few points defended,if you don't mind.

Point 1)If history tells us anything, paticularly the history of the past 50 years,it's that America is to be good at so many things,and so poor at just a few things.
One of the things that we seem poor at is trying,for the right reasons,to bring our way of life,our unique and wonderful brand of social and political tolrorance,to other parts of the world,sometimes without out being asked to do so.It seems evident that we never seem to learn our lesson,from "The Dominoe Effect",to the current situation we find ouselves in.

I agree. I also think that first we should not go over to any country and export our way of life for any reason and second we need to stop the importation of other cultures under the guise of diversity and need.

Point2)Another aspect of this same theme is when those trying to export our way of life,again for the right reasons,just don't get it, and the rest of the world does get it.My point here is phrase's like"stay the course",or "cut and run",in the face of clear and overwhleming odds against success,show a lack of intellegence,which gives some the idea we are a leaserles nation.It is alos known as being isolated,not unlike a mushroom,and feeding off the same food sourece,in this case being provideed by politicians and not military men.For those military men who don't speak in lock step,they are dismissed ,or asked to retire.

I disagree; the world hasn’t gotten anything since we stepped in the last time and saved their sorry asses The point is that we went into an area that the hatred was truly caused by; 1- the English, 2 – the French and 3 – Carter and not directly caused by America (except Carter). The fact is that in that part of the world, there is more of a hatred of us because we are America. And as I said, many of these religiious leaders want to control their people as has been done for 1400 years - with control comes power and wealth. They hate America not because of the crusades, not becuase we invaded Iraq or Afghanistan but because we represent the biggest threat to their control - freedom. If you think I am off base, read what the taliban was all about and what the most progressive country is in the gulf - see the differences.

Point 3)For those who actually believe the rhetoric that "fighting the enemy over there is better then fighting them here",well,I just pity them,and they will be part of the minority who choose to buy in 100% to the mushroom syndrome of this time.For those individuals,I truly feel sorry,as they have been duped into a kind of brain washing that we have not seen in many years.

I guess you pity me and many of the other people who know what the people are like, the culture is like and what we were really trying to do. I would rather destroy a country over there than to have one person die here on our shores. I point to the fact that in my reply to your point two, the world hasn’t gotten it and in truth, the major ‘want to be’ powers, France, Germany and Russia have been actually helping the terrorist by their failure to help eliminate the terrorist and go against us for profit. I know, as you may know that there will be another terrorist strike and it is not because of the administration or hatred for the president but rather the hatred of freedom and people’s rights that we have here.

Point 4)Regarding hate,and my terminolgy for certain politicians and persons subjecting our nation to the daily dose of death and destruction on our media(I know,the liberal press,come on) of not only our brave military men and women,but countless innocent children,civilians,who are being murdered everyday as a result of our actually creating a civil war that did not exist before,I'm sorry if I offended you.I just have no kind words for murdering,lieing men who are trying to sell a policy that is so failed as to be an embarresmnet to the entire free world.
If he represents you ,and your feeling,and aspirations,and if you really think we are safer for all this death and destruction,against a country that had nothing to do with 911,then so be it.I feel your pain,as he was your man,and you must defend him so you feel good about yourself,and your choice to have voted for him.It's your cross to bear,not mine,so please allow me the right to speak as I wish,just as you do about Kerry,and Clinton and your arch enemies.

First thing is that there are no innocent people over there. Many know what is going on over there and accept it, many more are willing to fight based on what they are told what is the right thing to do by their respective religious leaders and the civil war has been going on for about 1100 years which we have had nothing to do with than as we have nothing to do with now. The fact is that any families will sacrifice themselves and even their kids for the religious cause as told by thier religious leaders. The funny thing is that we took out a regime that was brutal and kept a multireligious nation in check just like Yugoslavia. Once it looked like that power was going to be removed, people from different factions started to take sides and form alliances. Remember that these people are opportunist, not diplomats and lived under many different forms of government for hundreds of years.

As for Yugoslavia or former Yugoslavia, Clinton really did a lot worst when it comes to a true killer of innocent people. He bombed a country that actually wanted us to help them, Serbia. He killed a lot of people for what? Because of the UN and what the Serbian leaders did? Why didn’t we insist on Europe handling the problem? Why are we even still funding NATO when there is no longer a need? You know that we still have troops in that area, that people are still starving and that we failed people who liked the US – all caused by Clinton.

As for the media, I would say they are single minded bunch of idiots and truly American hating people. CNN for one can not justifying airing terrorist propaganda but when I posted Glenn Beck’s Iraq film it was criticized (not only on EO but every site I posted it on). I feel that the media in the world make it look like anything they air or write as true reporting that needs to be held above everything else but if someone has a differing opinion or produces something that goes against what they feel is right, they call it propaganda. This is just like Germany in the late 30’s.

Now one last thing, even if you don’t support the administration or the war, you are still accountable for the work that is going on because you are an American. Being American means that you can not choose what you want to support, if the country is at war, you bear a share of that cross as much as I do.

Point5)Nothing will really change Tuesday,even if the Senate and the House change.W holds the veto pen,and I'm sure he will use it.I would hope that some common sence comes into play,it seem eons sonce that has been part of the discussion in Wahington.But all this talk of San Francisco,and our immoral life style seems a little despareate,I mean really folks,it's Conde Nests first choice as a vacation spot.It's the number 1 tourist spot in the world for Gods sake.Nancy has earnd her stripes just like evry other politician,including the Republican sex offenders,and the Jack Abrimhoff gang.
So lets lighten up a little.No more bad words from me about W,OK Broom?I really don't use Hate W,I don't know him.But I get caught up,as I really did see this thing coming,and really did write about it on this forum 8 months ago,and really was told I was out of line with the mainstram of America.

Ok, I like SF and many of the people there. I liked going there more than I likes going to NY or Chicago. I don’t have much to say with the Gays who have made it a point to tell me that I have to accept them, I don’t really care what people do at this moment but that may change tomorrow.

If you want to talk about sex scandals, ok. If you want to talk about the connections to Abramoff, ok, they also include some dems. If you want to talk about corruption, that includes Reid and some of what Pelosi has done too. None of this is exclusively one party or another – but everywhere. The problem I see is that the president can veto things but truly he won’t. He won’t stop the investigations and he won’t do much of anything for that matter if the dems get a majority. The republicans have a big problem that the des have had for a long time, a clear division within the party. The dems are clearly controlled by a fringe group that border on the insane and as I see more fascist than the NAZIs. The republicans lost control of the party and are being more controlled by the religious fringe on the far right and lost a lot of moderates and true conservatives.

I am hoping that the dems do get in office on one hand because the republicans need to get spanked hard in order to get it together for 08 but on the other hand I know that we will have more rhetoric of hate (something I know you never said but repeating talking points it can be mistaken as supporting hate), more rhetoric of got to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan and more rhetoric of ‘crimes’ and lies. For the next two years a lot of us will become depressed and pay more taxes.


Veteran Expediter
Tcall I agree 100% with you on item #1. The others I would need to think about before answering. See we can agree and you did not bash W. Now you have accused me with being associated with W as my boy.

He aint. If the Democrats would give me a reason to vote out the Republicans I would. I to do not care for the direction this country is going in, but I do not beleive it started just 6 years ago or 16 years ago more like in the late 70s, it got better than went right back down hill in 88 or so. In all honesty though, my govt, I let have very little influence in my attitude or life. I have been very fortunate with the limited education I have to of succeed in so much. I do not need my govt, to be who I am.

Why should the rest of the world be spoon fed our way of life? I believe the answer is NO> But an awfull lot people are risking there lifes to enter here, it sure raises a couple of questions in my mind.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,I feel your pain.This is not an easy time for you.I have reviewed your many,many postings since I started posting,and,in my opinion, you have have moved from a centrist postion to a far right position,without regard to puclic opinion,or even suggestions from those on the right side of the aisle that we need a new direction.
You seem to have forgoten that Iraq was never the problem.W easly could have caged Sadam in,and eventually been done with him.It maybe his downfall.
Now you speak of the struggle in Iraq as though they really are the big threat,have always been,and we should keep on killing and sqaundering our efforts on terroists(mostly Iraqis who want us out)that we created!They have little or nothing to do with the 911 group,and hell,lets just throw anybody,including children into the general grouping of enemies.
I'm sorry to see you have moved in this direction,as I believe it is a blind rage.It may be driven by the prospect of a big defeat on Tuesday,and I understand that,but I hope you will give some consideration to your staement that every Iraqi is guilty,and that there are no innocents,even the children.