July in Load One Nation


Veteran Expediter
I think it's time to put the upstairs window A/C units back in. Got a little too warm yesterday in the house, with more of the same today. Just haven't been looking forward to doing it. Maybe I'll put in just one :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
US Army
Delivered Saturday in Memphis. Hoping Load One's Tennessee office can get us out of here today.


Veteran Expediter
Already had two nice load offers this morning but they would have landed me to far from the expo. Had to have Lindy put a note in the system so I don't waste people's time.
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Veteran Expediter
US Army
I'm going to skip the expo and run all those loads everyone will be missing out on. Someone has to keep the freight moving.
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Veteran Expediter
Well good Monday morning to everyone! Think for the most part the last of the plants come back up online this week. Hopefully the storm clouds of July will be passing and July rain will bring August flowers!

I hope so, my countdown to in-service clock has started. T minus 22hrs and counting :D


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Good morning Load One nation!

I reserve the right to modify that statement.


Veteran Expediter
Back in service. Nice to see my position in the single digits. Wasn't sure what to expect after the change :)
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Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
I read they were doing that. More regional type items Filet of fish with Bay to Bay seasoning. In Detroit they now have Vernors.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The bun is a major component of a lobster roll, and this one really falls a little short of what it should be, but other than that it's actually quite tasty. They found a good supplier of lobster meat. It's pump and juicy and meaty. The lobster snobs, er, aficionados, who live on the coast right by any number of the lobster shacks that dot the coastline, will probably turn their noses up at this sandwich. An $8 lobster roll simply can't win out over a $15-$25 version. But all in all, it's pretty good, especially for eight bucks.