The State will most likly appeal some part of the Decision.
Diane once served as general counsel to the Minnesota governor. She says that for an appeal to be made, people in the state Attorney General's office must agree to make it. The decision to appeal rests with them. The State Patrol could lobby the governor and others to encourage the AG to appeal the ruling but the AG has final say.
Before spending taxpayer dollars to appeal the ruling, the AG would review it to see if their are grounds. While any rationale can be constructed to support an appeal, and while the Minnesota Court of Appeals would be obligated to hear the case, it won't get far without good grounds.
This is a big case for truckers but in the State Capitol there are dozens of bigger fish to fry, like the state budget shortfall and a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings so they won't leave town when their lease expires this year.
If you questioned 1,000 elected officals, appointed officials and their staffers at the Capitol, I doubt you would find even 50 who even know about the case. The Capitol is packed with people this time of year. They are racing from meeting to meeting and bending each others' ears every chance they get. The offices, meeting rooms and hallways are loud and abuzz with people talking about hundreds of issues, but few if any of them are talking about this case.
Unless the judge got it really, really wrong, I don't see the AG appealing a ruling that will bring the now documented fact into the mainstream press that the distinguished Minnesota State Patrol is stopping trucks and questioning drivers about their masturbation practices.
Revenue-wise, the state lost nothing in this ruling. If it was revenue through enforcement that they were after, they do not need a fatigue checklist to do it. It would be far easier to simply run a second shift at the Saint Croix River scale (I-94 near Hudson, WI), open other scales more often and deploy more mobile units. They could write many more tickets than they do now and they don't need a questionable fatigue checklist to do it.