Joe the Plumber


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"Supposedly the 16th amendment removed that prohibition..."

Supposedly? There's nothing supposed about it. It's directly and quite specifically alters Article 1 Section 8 for the sole purpose of levying a tax on income.

"..... but there seems to be quite a bit of disagreement as to whether it was actually ratified by the required number of states to have it become valid and law - and even if it did, whether it does in fact remove the prohibition against a direct tax (according to subsequent holdings by the Supreme Court pertaining to it) :D"

Those who most vehemently disagree with whether or not there was enough states to ratify it are those who don't want to pay any taxes at all. And that's fine, but all you have to do it look around and take note that if someone magically renders a decision reversal tomorrow, federal taxes on income will not go away any time soon. It'll come back the very next day as a flat tax, ''cause everybody will be treated the same, and won't that make everyone just all kinds of Obamamama ramalama ding dong happy. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


Veteran Expediter
Supposedly? There's nothing supposed about it. It's directly and quite specifically alters Article 1 Section 8 for the sole purpose of levying a tax on income.
Section 8 ? Did you really mean Section 8 ?

Or Section 9 ?

Cause if ya meant Section 9 that I referred to originally then:

No - it don't - and the Supreme Court has so held.

Ya see .... that's the neat little thing about our democratic republic with it's three branches ...... Congress gets to write the laws ...... but the Judiciary gets to say what they actually mean ......

And the Executive is supposed to enforce them (my, my ..... look how wrong has that leg gone .... along with the Congress thing ....)

You might want to read the relevant cases and findings pertaining to the 16th amendment and income taxes .... and what they actually say as far as holdings of law ...... might not be exactly what you think .... or expect ..... :D

Those who most vehemently disagree with whether or not there was enough states to ratify it are those who don't want to pay any taxes at all.
Yeah ? .... So what ?

That might very well be true (that those you describe are the MOST vehement) - however it DOES NOT preclude the fact that there are those who are willing to pay some taxes - that might also disagree with whether it was passed or not - and rather vehemently at that.

The degree of vehemence is sorta an inconsequential and rather irrelevant issue - a red herring - many disagree that it was ratified - no doubt more and more as time passes - that they disagree certainly doesn't make them tax protesters or tax cheats. Perhaps it makes them patriots ..... or just responsible and well-informed citizens. (Whatcha think Layout ?)

In fact, there are a number of former IRS personnel among those that disagree ...... which is kinda interesting dontcha think ........ ? ......... mebbe they got a good close look inside the cookie box ... ?

And that's fine, but all you have to do it look around and take note that if someone magically renders a decision reversal tomorrow, federal taxes on income will not go away any time soon.
Mebbe not .... :D ...... if the decision reversal upheld the "no direct tax" provision of the Constitution - and held that the Income Tax is a direct tax.

It'll come back the very next day as a flat tax, ''cause everybody will be treated the same, and won't that make everyone just all kinds of Obamamama ramalama ding dong happy.
That would be a direct tax - don't make no difference that it's all equal amounts or percentage - it's still a direct tax. Illegal under the Constitution as originally written.

And by the way, Obama is the one that wants to treat everyone differently in case you have forgotten ..... spread the wealth ya know ....... it's usually part of the Republican philosophy to posit that tax fairness would be to have everyone pay the same tax rate (percentage) .... so I dunno where yer coming from with the Obama thang ...... but I can't grok it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I never said I would not pay taxes I said I would not pay any NEW taxes. I do think we should start a tax revolt we really need to take away the power of the Feds. They are out of control. The very idea of a progressive tax is just against human nature. A V.A.T. (a big favorite of socialists and Hillary) drives up prices beyond belief. A 15% sales taxe does many things. It puts us in control of how much tax we pay. Most plans I have seen do not tax food and meds etc. We need to insure NO double taxation. Like, hunting stuff, is subject to Pittman/Robison tax which is used to fund wildlife projects and for the most part works. Anything covered under a tax like that would NOT have the 15% imposed on it. Like fuel. You either get the fuel tax or the 15%, The sales tax would tax the "slugs" of sociaty like pimps and drug dealers. They would contribute a bunch revenue that we have been missing for years. Layoutshooter


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The "Obama thang" was a joke, cause everyone would be taxed the same, everyone would be treated equally, just like Obama wants. lol Except that you can't rob from the rich and give to the poor while treating everyone the same.

BTW, I have read the relevant cases on the incom tax situation. Just the same, if you don't pay your income taxes, you'll still go to jail.