Jimmy Carter


Staff member
I just have a small statement about his most recent comment regarding President Obama....



Veteran Expediter
Originally Posted by Lawrence

I just have a small statment about his most recent comment regarding President Obama....


lol, when i said that, i was attacked more then a few times by others here!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Jimmy Carter is the most irrelevant former president of modern history. He can only get attention by making outlandish comments. This overplaying of the race card is gonna wear thin real quick. Obama's supporters try to mask over his inadequacies by calling all detractors racist. It is a low tactic universally favored by Democrats.


Veteran Expediter
Jimmy Carter is the most irrelevant former president of modern history. He can only get attention by making outlandish comments. This overplaying of the race card is gonna wear thin real quick. Obama's supporters try to mask over his inadequacies by calling all detractors racist. It is a low tactic universally favored by Democrats.

And a very sad attempt at silencing the dissension.....uh, how's that working for them so far??


Veteran Expediter
If Obama tries really hard, maybe one day he'll be as great a president as Carter. Hopefully he'll follow in his footsteps come next election.:D


Seasoned Expediter
What I remember most about Carter is that he cut my G I bill benifits for college and I was in school at the time! He put a 10 year time limit on benefits instead of the lifetime limit.
Thanks JImmy Carter


Veteran Expediter
Carter is the worst president this country has ever seen. He has sold the country out for that Peace Prize he never deserved. He is a pathetic old man who should just build houses. He should not be acknowledged as any one of any importance when he opens his mouth, the cop, fireman even the auto worker more important.

We need never forget that all of the foreign problems from the terrorist attacks overseas to 9/11 to the wars in the middle east are because he weaken our country and he is the one with blood on his hands of the tens of thousands of people who perished by militant Islamic fanatics.